By Daniel K., Age 14 In web design (and in all computer graphics), there are two types of images: Raster graphics and vector graphics. The difference between the two is that while raster graphics usually work better for images, they get pixelated or blotchy if you zoom in too much. However, vector graphics use math… Continue reading SVGs

What is Swapping and Why is it Vital For Coding?

By Noor H., Age 15      Often online shoppers will encounter “recommended for you” when buying items online at sites like Amazon, music services, and even news articles.  How do they decide which items to target and which ads to use? Word suggestion in texting and typing is also common form technology that people… Continue reading What is Swapping and Why is it Vital For Coding?

Scratch Coding: What is it & Why Does it Work For Kids 8+

Scratch Dashboard

Scratch Coding: What Is it & Why Does it Work For Kids 8+ Want to introduce your child to the world of coding? Scratch is a programming language built for kids and beginner coders to teach them the basics of coding.  Kids who learn Scratch can create their own interactive stories and games while better… Continue reading Scratch Coding: What is it & Why Does it Work For Kids 8+

The NEAT Neuroevolution Algorithm

By Daniel K., Age 14      The NEAT neuroevolution algorithm is a more advanced method of machine learning. Rather than creating multiple organisms and attempting to create newer versions of them until one succeeds by chance (like in evolution), NEAT adds a reward value to desirable actions and attempts to emulate human learning by… Continue reading The NEAT Neuroevolution Algorithm

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Light bulb with brain inside the hands of the businessman. The concept of the business idea.

By William O., Age 15      Often online shoppers will encounter “recommended for you” when buying items online at sites like Amazon, music services, and even news articles.  How do they decide which items to target and which ads to use? Word suggestion in texting and typing is also common form technology that people… Continue reading Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

4 Ways to Improve Focus and Patience

When it comes to coding, there are many skills that talent and education alone can’t teach you. Patience is one of these. Some common issues you’ll come across include people’s varying opinions of your projects, as well as coding road blocks you’ll come across in developing them. If patience is something you’re struggling with, try… Continue reading 4 Ways to Improve Focus and Patience

5 Projects to Help Practice Coding

Learning how to code is a constant and productive challenge of wrapping your mind around new concepts, patterns, and possibilities. This means that just like any other skill, if you want to excel, you’ll need to practice! The idea of beginning your own projects may seem daunting, especially if your long-term goals are big, but… Continue reading 5 Projects to Help Practice Coding

Private+Semi-Private Coaching

Virtual Learning

Coding Classes




Video Game Coding

What is theCoderSchool? We are an after-school drop-off (and virtual) program for kids learning to code - a coding school! There's after-school kung fu. There's after-school music lessons, sports, art, tutoring, Chinese, you name it, it's out there. But coding for kids? We're among the first of many, and the largest in Silicon Valley with more locations on the way around the country. The future will be ever more dependent on technology so let's get our young generation ready. Learn to Code, Change the World®.

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