Thin Blue Line

A police shooting in Cherokee County raises questions about who decides whether a legal boundary has been crossed. 

Dads of Death Row

Fathers on North Carolina’s death row are navigating complicated relationships with their children amid uncertainty about their fate.

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An Appeal to SCOTUS

Russell William Tucker is taking his Batson case to the U.S. Supreme Court.

A Fight Over Footage

Plus, a police shooting in Cherokee County raises questions about who decides whether a legal line has been crossed. 

More Stories on Courts

A Legacy in Limbo

Lorenzo Lynch was a prominent Durham pastor, his daughter became U.S. attorney general. Now his tenants are in a legal dispute with the family.

The Smell Test

Police could once use the smell of marijuana as probable cause to search a vehicle. Now that hemp is legal, the system faces a quandary.

Apparent Concern

Durham County’s abuse, neglect, and dependency court has effectively prohibited anyone involved in child welfare cases from talking to the media.

The Wages of Sin

They were barely adults when they committed a senseless crime in 2008. Should Gov. Roy Cooper give their clemency bid another look?

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