The Assembly publishes deep reporting on power and place in North Carolina.

We launched in February 2021 with a focus on interesting and nuanced journalism about our state. We tell big stories, and give our journalists space to be ambitious. We want our work to surprise, inform, and leave you with a better understanding. 

North Carolina deserves big-swing reporting, right here in our own backyard. We’re grateful to have you onboard.

Our Business Model

We believe good reporting should be accessible. Everyone can read an article a month without a subscription, but with just $6 a month—or $60 a year—you can get full access to everything on our site.

Our model only works with your support. When readers subscribe, it lets us pay good money to good writers to spend weeks, even months, on big stories—all with the independence and intensity that revelatory journalism requires. 

Tired of us? You cancel anytime through your account page or by emailing us at

Philanthropic Partners

The Assembly is a for-profit company that is currently raising funds to support its expansion. Assembly employees own a majority of the company’s stock.

The Assembly also benefits from several philanthropic partnerships. Support from The Carolina Beacon, a 501c3 in the state, has enabled our regional work in Wilmington. The Knight Foundation is a Beacon supporter. Support for our partnership with INDY Week is provided by Scalawag Magazine.

For more information or questions about our finances, please contact Kyle Villemain at

Our Partners

Producing strong statewide journalism requires us to have reporters on the ground around North Carolina covering stories that matter at the local level. Here’s more about those efforts.

  • In Wilmington, our bureau produces a weekly newsletter, The Dive, in collaboration with public radio station WHQR. 
  • Our Greensboro bureau, which has support from the Greensboro Community Journalism Fund and Report for America, produces its own weekly newsletter, The Thread
  • In the Triangle, we have partnered with INDY Week, an alt-weekly with a 40-year history of producing hard-hitting local news. 
  • And in Fayetteville, we have teamed up with CityView, a longstanding magazine and daily news outlet covering the city and county.

This model allows us to funnel important regional stories to a statewide audience, translate Assembly stories to the local level where it matters most, and support a healthy news ecosystem in North Carolina. It’s a model we are looking to replicate in other parts of the state. 

We also partner with The Food Section, a James Beard Award-winning independent outlet covering food and drink across the American South, published by Hanna Raskin

Award winning reporting from The Assembly

Winner, accountability reporting award from LION Publishers and the Sunshine Award from the N.C. Open Government Coalition

Winner, accountability reporting award from LION Publishers and the Sunshine Award from the N.C. Open Government Coalition

A Black Teen. A White Woman. A Life Sentence. 

Winner, 2023 Duke University/Green-Rossiter Award for Distinguished Newspaper Work in Higher Education Reporting from the North Carolina Press Association

Winner, 2023 Duke University/Green-Rossiter Award for Distinguished Newspaper Work in Higher Education Reporting from the North Carolina Press Association

How to Sell a University

Finalist, 2023 Online Journalism Awards for reporting on race, ethnicity, gender, and identity

Finalist, 2023 Online Journalism Awards for reporting on race, ethnicity, gender, and identity

Who’s Your People?

Selection, American Photography 38 – Cornell Watson 

The Pain and Joy of Black Fatherhood

Selection, Best 100 photos from 2023 by Women Photograph – Madeline Gray

Queen of the Port City