Resources here include BEAD funding estimates, news, broadband funding programs and more by state.

Includes State Broadband Offices, State Funding Programs, Awards Made, Telecompetitor Coverage and More.

Click on a state to see info for that state.

BEAD Funding By State

> $1B
Source: NTIA

The COVID-19 pandemic brought nationwide attention to the need to make high-speed broadband available to everyone. Lawmakers made unprecedented funding available, including:

Administered by the U.S. Treasury

Capital Projects Fund

each state is receiving funding that can be used for a range of infrastructure projects, including broadband

Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund

each state, county and city in the U.S. is receiving funding that can be used for a range of purposes, including broadband

(also known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Act)
Administered by National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA)

Broadband Equity Access and Deployment (BEAD) Program

will be allocated to each state based on the number of unserved locations in the state. States will award funding to network operators within guidelines established by NTIA.

Middle Mile

program to be awarded by NTIA to network operators for networks that connect multiple communities to one another but do not directly serve end-users

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