AI tools streamline digital ordering for food distributors

AI tools streamline digital ordering for food distributors
Photo by nrd / Unsplash

Choco, the AI-powered platform provider connecting restaurateurs with suppliers, announced a strategic partnership with Dot Foods to provide cutting-edge digital tools to food distributors and streamline the food supply chain.

Choco’s AI-powered ecommerce and order management platform, Choco AI, will be the preferred AI solution for Dot Foods’ distributor customers looking to improve and expand the ordering options they offer their own customers, which encompasses more than 4,000 companies in the U.S., the company said in the news release.

“Since our company was founded in 1960, Dot’s goal has been to help solve problems for our customers and business partners,” Dick Tracy, CEO of Dot Foods said in the news release. “We are committed to providing innovative solutions and helping our partners grow while enhancing choice for everyone. Our partnership with Choco helps us accomplish all those aims by giving our customers access to the tools needed to thrive in a rapidly evolving industry.”

The partnership between Dot and Choco AI helps distributors create customized digital storefronts, improving convenience, product discovery, and online ordering, the company said.

Choco AI automates and streamlines order management processes by capturing and translating voicemail and email orders into digital formats, integrating them in real-time into distributor ERP systems.

This automation promises rapid digitalization within two weeks, significantly increasing order processing capacity and competitiveness without requiring additional resources, the company said.

“The food supply chain is both highly complex and highly fragmented and has historically operated with a very low level of digitalization relative to other industries,” Daniel Khachab, CEO and co-founder of Choco said. “AI is poised to change all of that, and we couldn’t be more excited to empower Dot Foods’ customers to tap into this transformative technology in order to grow their businesses, become more efficient, and ultimately thrive in today’s competitive market.”

Long Island, N.Y.-based produce wholesaler, Krystal Produce, faced with labor shortages and inefficiencies of manual order processing, sought a solution to streamline operations without compromising service quality.

By integrating Choco AI into their operations, the transition has not just been seamless but revolutionary, according to Mike Longo, co-owner of Krystal Produce.

The AI-driven system has enabled Krystal Produce to automate their order processing 24/7, without increasing staff numbers, the company said.

"One person can now handle what would have previously required five," Longo said, highlighting the immense labor efficiency Choco AI brings to the table.

The technology has had a significant impact on reducing errors, he said.

"With Choco AI, we've processed orders in 13 seconds for one of our largest clients, saving us around 15 hours a week. This equates to over $23,000 in savings annually from this client alone," Longo said.

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