Cablevision Understands The Battle For Marketshare

from the all-about-locking-them-in... dept

While other cable companies are still focused on ways to come up with more pricey premium services to offer customers (the “bleed ’em dry while we can” approach), Cablevision continues to show they have a much better understanding of the ongoing battle for broadband dominance. The company which started offering a bundle that included free VoIP for new customers, discovered (as many studies have shown) that such bundles were a huge success. They got many more people to sign up and (more importantly) reduced churn rates quite a bit. While Cablevision may be struggling with a bit of internal strife over their satellite offering, it appears they’ve seen what works and want to expand it even further. Broadband Reports is claiming that Cablevision is now dropping the price of their triple play bundle for existing customers as well, to get more of them to just switch to the bundle, rather than signing up with alternative VoIP providers. What Cablevision recognizes is that this is a battle for marketshare — not for pricey premium services. Of course, if Cablevision ends up selling out to Time Warner, it’s likely that Time Warner will quickly toss out this smart strategy and focus on whatever strategy of they day they’ve got planned over there.

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