Tim Wu Is Out Of Control

from the none-of-this-makes-any-sense dept

I guess I should start this out by noting that I like Tim Wu quite a bit, and always felt like I learned something in the past when I spoke with him. He was even one of the people who reviewed and provided feedback on my big “protocols, not platforms” article months before it was published.

Tim has been an important voice in thinking through tech policy issues over the last two decades. He coined the term “net neutrality” and has been an advocate for breaking up “big tech” who he views as too powerful. As noted, I’ve learned a lot from him and agree with him that the world would be better if big tech companies weren’t so big (that’s one of the reasons why I wrote that protocols paper in the first place).

But just because you hate big tech, it doesn’t mean that you throw out basic, fundamental rights in pursuit of that goal. Yet Wu seems so focused on “big tech bad” that he’s literally willing to toss out the First Amendment in an effort to achieve his desires, even if all that will do is empower authoritarians and fascists, giving them even more power (which is not exactly a recipe for more competition in any industry, if history is any indication).

I’m confused about where Tim’s mind is at lately, as he seems to have embraced multiple ridiculous, dangerous, authoritarian policy ideas that would be incredibly damaging to the public, almost all of which involve suppressing speech in pursuit of policy goals that Wu supports, without even the slightest concern about the damage it will do to people.

We saw it last year, when he publicly supported having Congress move forward with KOSA, despite dozens of civil liberties and LGBTQ groups noting how its “duty of care” would be used to harm LGBTQ youth, blocking them from accessing information. Then, earlier this year, he signed onto an absolutely ridiculous amicus brief in support of Texas’s social media content moderation law. That brief was full of confused or misleading statements. He’s also been strongly supportive of banning TikTok, which is another attack on the First Amendment.

With all of these instances in the past few years, in each of which he dismisses of basic First Amendment principles, you might have been tempted to think that Wu hates the First Amendment. But even I had thought that would have been a bridge too far for Wu.

That is, until he published his latest op-ed in the NY Times: a full frontal attack on the First Amendment, entitled “The First Amendment is Out of Control.”

Even if he didn’t write that headline (at major publications, editors often write the headlines, rather than the authors themselves), the article is yet another horribly confused, badly argued, fundamentally ridiculous attack on the First Amendment.

The First Amendment is not out of control. Tim Wu is out of control.

He starts out his piece by arguing that the First Amendment used to be about protecting “political dissenters” but more recently has been twisted by judges to “an all-purpose tool of legislative nullification that now mostly protects corporate interests.”

As for the idea that the First Amendment used to protect political dissent, I think folks like Charles Schenk and Eugene Debs might question that claim.

But, more importantly, the idea that the First Amendment is now some sort of awful corporate protection tool is, well, also wrong. The problem is that lawmakers keep trying to pass laws to suppress speech, including the speech of corporations. Don’t do that, and the First Amendment doesn’t get in the way of regulations. It’s pretty straightforward.

The real problem here is that Tim Wu wants to suppress the speech of companies he doesn’t like. And he’s mad that the First Amendment doesn’t allow this. And, even if I don’t like the dominance of those companies either, there are ways to change that which DO NOT involve attacking their First Amendment rights. If only Wu were willing to explore those options, rather than stomping out rights in pursuit of punishing speech he dislikes.

Also, it’s either ironic or stupid that he’s arguing this in the NY Times, which is also a corporation, and which has established some of the most important First Amendment precedents in the last century in both NY Times v. Sullivan and NY Times v. US. Those two cases, from 1964 and 1971, did not establish the idea that corporations are protected by the First Amendment. Courts had ruled on that point much earlier. But the two NY Times cases certainly helped explain why it’s so important for companies to have First Amendment protections as well.

Otherwise, authoritarian leaders could suppress the speech of companies they dislike. They could sue publications into oblivion. They could block them from publishing important news.

Wu is doing some rewriting of history here, mainly because he’s mad that the majority of the Supreme Court in the NetChoice cases rejected his nonsense pro-authoritarian theories in support of Texas’ social media law that would have stripped companies of editorial discretion rights and enabled authoritarian politicians to force companies to host messages they had no interest in associating with.

In the process, he attacks a series of recent First Amendment decisions:

Over the past decade or two, however, liberal as well as conservative judges and justices have extended the First Amendment to protect nearly anything that can be called “speech,” regardless of its value or whether the speaker is a human or a corporation. It has come to protect corporate donations to political campaigns (Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission in 2010), the buying and tracking of data (Sorrell v. IMS Health in 2011), even outright lies (United States v. Alvarez in 2012). As a result, it has become harder for the government to protect its citizens.

Of course, it’s easy to toss this list out without actually digging deep into the details of each case and why they were decided the way they were. They were not designed to make it “harder for the government to protect its citizens,” but rather they were decided (correctly) in an effort to make it harder for the government to suppress the rights of the public.

Each of those cases has supporters and detractors, but if any of those cases had gone differently, it would have led to the suppression of speech in dangerous ways, enabling authoritarians to silence important political dissent (the thing Wu insists the First Amendment has moved away from).

Indeed, Wu’s own argument is undermined by history (which he seems unfamiliar with). Later in the piece, he cites Justice Robert Jackson, who wrote a dissent in Terminiello v. Chicago. That was a First Amendment case in which a horrible racist priest was arrested after giving an inflammatory racist speech. The Supreme Court noted that the ordinance he was arrested under violated the First Amendment. In Robert Jackson’s dissent, he made the now-famous quote about how this type of ruling could “convert the constitutional Bill of Rights into a suicide pact.”

But, as free speech expert (he literally wrote the book on it) Jacob Mchangama noted, the ruling in Terminiello has been important, such as when it was cited in Edwards v. South Carolina to protect black students in South Carolina who had been arrested for protesting segregation. There, the Supreme Court cited the majority opinion in Terminiello to point out that the protestors had the First Amendment right to protest segregation.

Similarly, Mchangama points out that Justice Jackson, who Wu holds up as his north star on the First Amendment, wrote a concurrence in Dennis v. US, in which he supported convicted members of the Communist Party. The concurrence is a broadside against anarchy and Communism, suggesting that the “clear and present danger” test is too lenient. Basically, he says Communists should be arrested before they actually do anything, because if you wait until a “clear and present danger” (a standard that was used to jail Schenk decades earlier, and soon after this case was made obsolete) it would be “too late.”

So, Wu is supporting the views of someone who wished to jail people as a national security threat based on their political leanings, while supporting his dissent in a case that was later key in supporting civil rights of those protesting segregation in the 1960s.

This is important: the nature of the First Amendment is that sometimes it protects the speech of people you dislike or distrust. Because if you don’t protect them, then those same authorities will suppress, stifle, and silence the speech of people you do support and do agree with.

Tim Wu is advocating a full frontal attack on the First Amendment because he greatly dislikes some companies — companies who have done amazing things to enable more speech in the world. Wu doesn’t like some of that speech and therefore looks to take down the First Amendment, even if it would give those like Donald Trump or Texas AG Ken Paxton that much more power to silence and suppress the speech of those they dislike.

I admit that I am perplexed by this side of Tim Wu. He’s a thoughtful explainer of various forces, but seems wholly incapable of thinking through how his desired outcomes would be used to silence the marginalized and the oppressed.

His anger about “big tech” seems to cloud his thinking about nearly everything.

The reasoning in the decision in the NetChoice cases marks a new threat to a core function of the state. By presuming that free speech protections apply to a tech company’s “curation” of content, even when that curation involves no human judgment, the Supreme Court weakens the ability of the government to regulate so-called common carriers like railroads and airlines — a traditional state function since medieval times.

This isn’t just wrong, it’s embarrassingly confused. The government can still regulate common carriers, that is businesses that “carry” commodity items (people, products, data) from point A to point B, and have no ongoing relationship beyond that.

Social media is not that. It’s nothing like a common carrier. A common carrier like an airplane need not allow a customer to travel non-stop on their airlines in perpetuity. But a social media website hosts content in perpetuity. It is not delivering from point A to point B. Nor is it providing a commodity service.

And, more to the point, the reason that the Supreme Court ruled the way it does is that without websites having editorial discretion, the internet cannot function. Perhaps Tim needs to get out of his academic ivory tower, and spend some time actually working in trust & safety, rather than coming up with pie in the sky nonsense about how the internet works.

It might help bring him back to reality. If he wants, I’ll let him moderate the Techdirt comments for a week, and we’ll see how he feels about allowing states to force websites to keep content online after that.

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Anonymous Coward says:

An analogy

When I worked in a “customer service” capacity, we had a joke: “The job’s great, except for the customers.”

Tim is starting to sound that way.
“Free Speech is great, except for the speech.”

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Another in-joke about customers...

Heard this at more than one workplace, where we provided embedded electronics/systems to help clients better manage resources (but the clients were not always entirely savvy about what they wanted/needed/expected/believed that the technology was capable of):

“The customer is ALWAYS right…

…and must be PUNISHED for their insolence!”


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tanj says:

Perhaps Tim should familiarize himself with A Man for All Seasons

William Roper: “So, now you give the Devil the benefit of law!”

Sir Thomas More: “Yes! What would you do? Cut a great road through the law to get after the Devil?”

William Roper: “Yes, I’d cut down every law in England to do that!”

Sir Thomas More: “Oh? And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned ’round on you, where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? This country is planted thick with laws, from coast to coast, Man’s laws, not God’s! And if you cut them down, and you’re just the man to do it, do you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then? Yes, I’d give the Devil benefit of law, for my own safety’s sake!”

― Robert Bolt, A Man for All Seasons: A Play in Two Acts

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Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:2

Reminding people that Canada has the same fucking problem is NOT being a defeatist troll, you fucking immature asswipe.

Canada DID vote in an “alt-right” shitlord who was butt buddies with the fucking Grand Russian Party. No one, and I repeat, no one, liked him except his own constituency, because the only reason Quebec remains politically relevant is that they have that Maple Syrup Reserve.

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Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:4

The only way to have even a smidgen of hope is to understand that shit actually happened.

Harper was indeed voted into power in Canada, despite Trudeau trying to one-up that shitshow.

Start reading Wikipedia for a bit. It’s all there, for a start.

I may be pissing in the wind, but you are trying to force people to stick their heads in the sand through your juvenile attempts at trolling.

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Anonymous Coward says:


Based on what? Maybe that’s your fantasy, but i can’t see how Mike “writes like that.” Not here, not ever. Gonna need some clearer indications that someone is going to bail on something if some event occurrs than… nothing.

Have whatever opinion, but wow be able to point to something if you want to make claims. Your personal propaganda leaves something to be desired.

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ECA (profile) says:

Big corp are big for a reason.

But conglomerates and monopolies are a REAL problem.
Its those that EAT up the little guys and force Higher prices on things, as there is no longer any competition.

WE actually Created a way to enforce the Smaller companies. THEN we let things FAIL. The designation of a corp, NOT being liable, was ONLY supposed to be for the smaller companies. NOT THE MAJOR CORPS. LLC, is NOT fo the major corps.

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dan8mx (profile) says:

Why we can't have nice things

I think we’re already on the wrong path any time a 1st amendment conversation starts with “it’s a problem, because it didn’t stop X.” If we only gauge fundamental liberties by the harm that could occur, it will pretty literally be why we can’t have nice things.

tomac (profile) says:

Lead poisoning

Someday we’ll find out that the aerosolized lead from gasoline caused irreversible harm to the brains of multiple generations. Degradation of brain mass leads to resistance to change and irrational demands, and naturally drives people toward authoritarianism.

We’re seeing the the victims of this get manipulated by the far-right.

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Anonymous Coward says:

Over the past decade or two, however, liberal as well as conservative judges and justices have extended the First Amendment to protect nearly anything that can be called “speech,” regardless of its value or whether the speaker is a human or a corporation.

Well, the whole point of the First Amendment is that the government has no business decided the ‘value’ of a given piece of speech. So this quote so wrong faster than it mentions cases.

I’ll also note that is suppressing speech is part of “the government to protect[ing] its citizens”, then you have a world of problems. And it’s antithetical to the First Amendment. In fact I would go so far as to say it is anathema to any legitimate democracy.

Anonymous Coward says:


Bah. My quote was botched. here I will try again (wish preview worked as it did)

Over the past decade or two, however, liberal as well as conservative judges and justices have extended the First Amendment to protect nearly anything that can be called “speech,” regardless of its value or whether the speaker is a human or a corporation.

Anonymous Coward says:



And it hasn’t been “extended”. Stuff that didn’t exist or wasn’t big before has gotten attention, and lo and behold, if those things do speech, it’s still speech.

Adjacent to this is the “not speech, conduct” argument which is bad because lots of conduct is expressive, and more importantly, you can make just anything illegal because it isn’t speech. It’s idiotic. (i do realize that in courts, sometimes you choose your weapons and leave others behind, but i argue that those decisions are bad.)

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Anonymous Coward says:

The First Amendment hasn’t changed, Tim. Maybe it’s you.

Maybe it’s you.

But i dunno even decades ago he’d make some cogent analysis or whatever, then a month later i’d read something wondering, “Is this the same guy?” Or sometimes i’d agree with some idea while (some of) the thinking he used to back it up was rubbish. (Even when adversaries’ counter-arguments were just as bad or worse.)

So maybe hehasn’t really changed, just his current goals have.

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Anonymous Coward says:

Just saying whenever someone is pro censorship/anti free speech I lose all interest in reading their reasoning because regardless of the why they’re by default wrong so I end up skipping large chunks of articles like this, why should I care about tim wu’s words when he wants me censored.

Arianity says:

the idea that the First Amendment is now some sort of awful corporate protection tool is, well, also wrong. The problem is that lawmakers keep trying to pass laws to suppress speech, including the speech of corporations. Don’t do that, and the First Amendment doesn’t get in the way of regulations.

I mean, that’s not really arguing that it’s not a corporate protection tool, just that that protection tool is a good (or at least necessary) thing.

(Which to be clear, is fine, but it’s a different argument)

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That One Guy (profile) says:

The true test: 'Do I still support this right if someone I don't like has it?'

‘You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.’

If your support of free speech and/or the first amendment includes a hefty exception like ‘the people who run large companies have it’, then I’ve got bad news for you: You don’t actually support free speech or the first amendment.

Samuel Abram (profile) says:


‘You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.’

A lot of my “tech policy/free speech heroes” had made that arc:
-Glenn Greenwald
-Lawrence Lessig
-Tim Wu
and more I can’t name.

The fact that I regard Cory Doctorow and Mike Masnick to be the ones with their heads still screwed on straight shows lacking we are in good-sensed people on tech policy.

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Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re:

So, Samuel:

If the First Amendment brought us to this current period of the King President that started on Jul 1, this last Monday, what use has the First Amendment actually been?

Gillis has a good point in her thread, and her replies to other people in her thread. We got here because we prioritized systems over outcomes. The wont and prioritization for a system of “speech vs. counter speech” as one of the only ways – or the only way – to deal with people espousing fascist ideologies that run against the notion of a free country and effective government, has led us to this.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:

“Ends justify the means” usually means “2A will be necessary.”

And, well, “just don’t elect known abusers of power” does not bode well for the system at large.

So, are you saying it’s okay to engage in insurection and bloody revolution because “the end justifies the means”?

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Anonymous Coward says:


The people who run the large companies are using their outsized power, in conjunction with 1A, to make society worse.

The NYT keeps peddling lies about Biden’s mental faculties while treating Trump with kids gloves, all to increase their subscriber count and web traffic.

Elon Musk is using his 1A rights to platform fascists like Chaiya Raichik that get their followers to send bomb threats to schools and hospitals and people with guns to threaten drag shows. Musk himself got away with defaming someone by calling him a pedophile, siccing his own online mob on the guy, and then Musk sent a private investigator after the guy too. Musk faced no consequences for it in the U.S. court of law when it was a clear-cut case of defamation.

Google lets alt-right provocateurs on YouTube parrot endless garbage about how the “woke mob” is gonna come after you. People like Stephen Crowder. Crowder himself received nothing but a slap on the wrist for sending his own mob to harass and antagonize Carlos Maza.

Spotify pays Joe Rogan to spread conspiracy theories and misinformation on his podcast with, if I recall, the meekest disclaimers and warning labels that they know nobody pays attention to.

Rupert Murdoch and his various agencies got the reward of a lifetime as their constant lies and propaganda on Fox News won them a SCOTUS that basically ended democracy a couple of days ago.

“Counter Speech with More Speech” does not work when the speech you’re trying to counter has such institutional and financial protections and profit motives that place profit above truth.

Where do we go from here? Where does the First Amendment go from here? Because yeah, right now, it’s a suicide pact. Jackson was right.

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Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:

If you’re going to mock trolls, **straight-up mimicking them isn’t the best way of mocking them*.

Right, which is why I guess a user name calling out the type of behavior was used rather than the usual AC tag. As AC alleged, many commenters here lack reading comprehension. Either that, or they have attention spans so short that even meds won’t help them concentrate long enough to read a user name.

Anonymous Coward says:

Re: Re: Re:

I have to agree with AC below (above?) here. Not only did the OC post under a user name calling out the kind of behaviour they’re criticising, but they also added extra context into the comment itself, only for their comment to get flagged as trolling because obviously a lot of individuals on Techdirt just can’t read that well, and therefore couldn’t take in more than one sentence.

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