Postpartum Hair Loss Is More Common Than You Think

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Postpartum Hair Loss Is Down To Hormones

One of the main causes of hair loss can be hormones. Hormones are a complicated thing, both during, and after pregnancy, the hormones become unstable and increase in amounts leading to postpartum hair loss.

Postpartum hairloss is more common than most people think. It appears in between 5-10% of women in general. This hair loss after child birth is as common because of the rapid increase and decrease of hormones in the body. Read on to find out more.

More Information On Postpartum Hair Loss

Postpartum hairloss is a medical term that refers to the hair loss after the birth of a baby. There are many reasons why hair loss can take place in this amount of women after childbirth, so if you are pregnant, planning on getting pregnant, or have already gave birth, then you should want to read on.

One of the main reasons behind hair loss after pregnancy is the great amount of hormones that are charging through the body ay an exceptionally quick rate. This hormone change is at its highest after a woman has given birth. When a woman has had a baby, it is normal for many symptoms to occur, the most common one being hair loss.

It is important not to panic during this stressful time as it perfectly normal for the hair to fall out, given the changes the body has been through. Don't worry the hair will not go bald and will definitely grow back, once the hormone levels have returned to normal of course. It can take upto several months for this to happen, it is different from person to person.

There are Solutions for Postpartum Hair Loss

If you are a woman that has been suffering from hair loss after child birth, you don't need to worry, as there are many solutions to that can be used to help prevent it.

When you speak to your doctor he repeat what I have said, that the hair loss is perfectly normal and that it will stop once hormone levels and production have returned to a normal rate. If it is really bothering you then there are many products available for you to try in order to stop the hair falling out.

There is no need to worry about which product you choose to use because you have already given birth to your child. I say this because a few products that are available are harmful to the babies of pregnant women.