Editorials » Woman » Acne

Acne: How To Cure
by Robert W. Benjamin.What is Acne - Pimples - Zits: The skin has numerous pores in it, sometimes oil's, dirt or other things can cause these pores to become clogged, swollen, and red, this condition is called pimples.What causes Acne in some people: Some folks get plaste...
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Acne Cure - Herbs and Ayurvedic Remedies and Other Treatments
by Tom alter.Acne is a very common skin ailment found mostly in the period of puberty. It is more common in women than in men. Acne is characterized by the presence of eruptions on the skin, which are commonly known as zits or pimples.Acne is a sign of the impuri...
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Secrets to Clearing Acne & Relieving Dry Skin
by Andre Hollinshed.There are several ways to clearing your skin and relieving dryness. There so many people out there who need to know how to clear their skin without spending a fortune. Dry skin is something that you can avoid.I want to first start off with showing yo...
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Acne: a Major Threat to the Teenagers and Youngsters
by Jackius Anderson.Acne is one of the major health related conditions, which is common in teenagers and youngsters. Acne brings huge problems to teenagers. Teenagers who have acne feel isolated, ugly, and insecure. Who wouldn't when everywhere you look, only clear face...
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How the Liver Prevents Acne
by Rudy Silva.The liver is responsible for detoxifying the blood as it comes from the colon, lungs, and lymphatic system. Once detoxified, this blood moves into your entire body to provide your cells with oxygen and digested nutrients.Because you eat, breathe, an...
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How to Have Beautiful Face Skin Free of Acne
by Rudy Silva.To have beautiful, soft, radiant skin you need to eat plenty of the right fresh fruits, vegetables, fiber, and water. Water and fiber are critical because it helps to move out toxins using the regular channels of elimination rather than using the ski...
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Acne Free in 3 Days - Scam or Real Cure?
by Forest Sun.Acne free in 3 days? That surely sounds like a bold claim to me. To be honest, I didn't believe it. Acne has been bothering me for years but this guy named Chris Gibson promises that his acne treatment will clear acne in just 3 days? Give me a break....
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Soap - the Cause and the Cure for Acne?!?! a Quest for a Cure
by Thomas E. Reitz.Myths about what causes acne abound. From chocolate to hormones, but what is the truth. Let's examine each and expose the truth.
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Acne Prevention, Understanding the Causes
by John Russell.Acne prevention occurs with a few simple steps. Acne prevention starts by knowing acne occurs when for some unknown reason or combination of reasons, hair follicles become blocked. While the exact combination of reasons that follicles become clogge...
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Xango for Acne: What it is & How it Works
by Dan Wright.Xango for acne has been generating a lot of buzz recently. But can this trendy treatment really help clear up pimples? To understand how Xango can effectively help in the treatment of acne, one must understand what acne is. It is a common skin con...
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Acne Scarring Treatments - Which Option is Right for You?
by Dan Wright.Acne can be debilitating, especially when scars begin to appear due to the inflammation which caused the condition. In fact, there are some people who have the genetic make-up which invites scarring although it differs from one person to another. I...
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Tips to Alleviate Acne Breakouts
by Andrea Dixon.If you suffer from acne, there are several skin care steps you can do to alleviate the outbreaks and help prevent future outbreaks. This article will give you information that will help you whether you are teenager or an adult suffering from acne.One...
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Some Cures for Severe Acne
by Michael Green.If your acne is mild, you might be able to control it using over the counter preparations. If not, you will need something stronger.Accutane, or Isotretinoin, is an example of a treatment for severe acne. This is sometimes prescribed for people who h...
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Clear Up your Complexion
by Terry Depper.So why do acne scars come about? Well acne scars are the result of tissue being lost or damaged. There's some good methods offered but prevention is by far the best treatment. By taking action at the start and reducing the possible chance the skin ...
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Acne Cure or Powerful Bleaching Agent!
by Thomas E. Reitz.Scientist: "To kill the bacteria that causes acne let us just kill everything including the top layers of the skin! Yes, let's just burn it all off! That has to be healthy for the skin... Jr. Scientist: "Well, actually, I don't think so... In college...
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Acne Vulgaris - Definition, Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
by Juliet Cohen.Acne vulgaris and acne is a skin problem. Some people call it blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, or zits. Acne vulgaris is an inflammatory disease of the skin.. Acne has been implicated in psychiatric and psychological processes more than most other de...
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Acne Treatment - and Things you Should Know
by Mick Hince.General information.Within this article you will find out all about Acne or Acne Vulgaris as it's medically known, and about recommended treatment that there is available. I will also touch on the different causes of acne, and things you should know...
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Acne and Dry Skin
by Della Franklin.Acne and Dry Skin: A Tough CombinationOne of the toughest skin combinations to keep clear and healthy looking is acne combined with dry skin. This skin type, otherwise known as combination skin, presents its own challenges because each type of skin r...
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Acne - What is Acne?
by Kaushik Das.What is acne? Acne is a term attributed to plugged pores, commonly known as blackheads and whiteheads, pimples, and even cysts or nodules, occur on the face, neck, chest, back, shoulders and upper arms. Follicles, often called pores, often get blocke...
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Why Antibiotics are to Blame for Acne
by Oscar Alvarez.There are many suggestions out there on what to eat, what not to eat. Different diets and different products for acne. There's scientific studies that claims diet has nothing to do with acne and there's scientific studies that proves a certain food ...
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Acne Treatment Regimen
by Michael Carelse.A proper regimen is an essential part of a good acne treatment. You need an acne regimen regardless of whether you ordinary or natural acne treatment. Most people assume that a good acne clearing product will take care of your blemishes no matter how...
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Acne Treatment Using Aromatherapy
by Sharon Hopkins.Acne is caused primarily due to the blockages of pores on the skin. These blockages stop the oil (sebum) from draining to the surface of the skin. Bacteria grow in these blockages, which lead to an infectious inflammation of that area; this is known ...
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Herbal Remedy for your Acne
by Eliza Maledevic Ayson.Indeed, there are plenty of prescribed medications that you can use for your acne, but you do not want to use it because of the worry of having harmful side effects that can affect you. So if that is the case, you may want to try an effective and nat...
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Acne Problems in the Adolescent
by Floyd Dorrance.Acne in AdolescentsAcne is one of the most common problems in adolescent teens affecting nearly seventeen million people in the United States. Acne is nothing but a disorder involving sebaceous Acne in AdolescentsAcne is one of the most common proble...
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Effective Against Acne? Dandelion and Its Healing Properties
by Trevor Mulholland.The benefits of dandelion as a herbal cure are plentiful. But is it really effective when it comes to acne? Dandelion tea, in particular, is being toted as an effective substance for controlling acne, but it has yet to be proven if its claims can be ...
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