Editorials » Medical » Depression

The Symptoms Of Depression
by Robert Kokoska.Depression is a very common medical condition affecting over 100 million people around the world. It is also estmimated that about a quarter of the whole population are prone to get at least one bout of depression in their life time. Though depressio...
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Parenting A Child With Depression
by Eddie Hudd.Depressed children demonstrate many similar characteristics as adults who are depressed. Not everybody accepts that children can suffer from depression, especially if the youngster appears to have a happy and stable home life. However, it is a fact t...
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Facts and Fallacies About Depression
by Pattrick Jhonson.Depression among young Americans has come to be known as the common cold of mental illnesses. It is one of the fastest growing problems in U.S. culture, yet it is among the most misunderstood of the mental disorders. Myths and misperceptions about th...
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Physical or Mental Disorders - Depression
by Pattrick Jhonson.Studies have shown that depression due to gender bias, often gets in the way of correct diagnosis of psychosocial disorders. In one study, for instance, 175 mental health professionals those are suffering from depression or physical or mental disorde...
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Depression and Gender
by Pattrick Jhonson.For reasons that are not well understood, two-thirds of all people suffering from depression are women. Researchers have proposed biological, psychological, and social explanations for this fact. The biological explanation rests on the observation th...
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Schizophrenia - a Type of Depression
by Pattrick Jhonson.Perhaps the most frightening of all mental disorders is schizophrenia, a disease that affects about 1 percent of the US population. Schizophrenia is characterized by alterations of the senses(including auditory and visual hallucinations); the inabili...
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Herbal Remedies for Depression
by Pattrick Jhonson.Herbalism is an ancient and time tested art that remains alive and well today. Many people take herbal remedies to reduce their depression and also get relieved from the depression related problems. A good herbalist can help you treat your health pro...
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How to Get Rid of Depression Without Popping a Pill
by Janet Martin.Due to breakthroughs in health and medical science, there is an available pill or drug for almost all diseases and conditions, whether physical or emotional. You can always ask for medications for stress, anxiety, fear and even depression. Although s...
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Unipolar Depression Symptoms and Treatment Checklist
by James Pereira.Unipolar depression is a severe form of depression. It also goes by the terms of clinical depression and major-depressive disorder. It is a severe illness with disabling effects. It affects 10 million Americans every year. Depression affects more wom...
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Manic Depressant
by Krishan Bakhru.There are different types of depression that a person can experience. Manic Depressant or as the medical community calls it Bipolar Disorder is one such depression type. Depression disorders like Manic Depressant are mood disorders. They need to be t...

Cyclic Antidepressants Information
by Juliet Cohen.Cyclic antidepressants (CAs) contain a 3-ring molecular structure. Cyclic medications balance certain brain chemicals (neurotransmitters) that cause depression when out of balance. Cyclic antidepressants relieve depression in about 60% of people with...
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Warning Signs of Child Depression: Red Flags from IL
by Mike Shery.Depression is not just an affliction of adults. Your children or teenagers also may also suffer from it. You should consider treatment for them when their severely melancholy and sad feelings persist and interfere with their ability to function. This...
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Counseling Depressed Spouse -From Algonquin and McHenry, IL
by Mike Shery.When your husband or wife experiences depression, it can affect the quality of your marriage and the atmosphere in the home. Depression is defined as a problem when the feelings of depression persist and interfere with your spouses ability to functi...
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Digital Nation: Is Computer Use Depressing Our Children?
by Thomas Fox.Despite their optimistic name, positive ions do not make people feel good. In fact, scientific studies have found that positive ions are linked with depression. If children are spending most of their waking hours in front of television and computer m...
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Antidepressants - an Assault on Human Emotion
by Dr Malik.This topic is something I am most passionate about. Every lecture I give, every patient I talk to, any chance I have, I discuss this horrible exploitation of human emotion in North America. Every third American, every third patient in my office is ...
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Select the Best Counselor- From Cary,Crystal Lake and Huntley
by Mike Shery.What kind of a therapist, psychiatrist or psychologist should you seek if you are depressed or suicidal? Who works best with those who often feel futile and powerless? My view is that it is best to have a counselor who can emotionally and verbally...
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Counseling for Post-Partum Depression From IL
by Mike Shery.The normal baby blues can happen in the days right after childbirth and normally disappear within a few days to a week. As a new mother, you can routinely have mood swings, sadness, crying spells, loss of appetite, sleeping problems or feel irritabl...
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Side Effects of Antidepressants
by Juliet Cohen.The anti-despondent medicinal preparation is a psychiatry treatment course either other matter (nutrient or herb) is used for relaxes depressed or dysthymia. Antidepressants can be helpful in the treatment of temper to severe depression, but the "pre...
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Dealing With Your Depression In The Business World
by Stanley Popovich.It is not easy to deal with your fears, anxieties, or depression in the business world. If you have such a problem, the first step is that you should talk to a professional who can get you started in the right path of getting better. Getting help fro...
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How Women Can Manage Their Fears, Depression And Other Phobias
by Stan Popovich.Some women get so anxious and fearful that they do not know what to do. When this happens, it is important to know how to handle your anxieties and stresses. As a result, here is a list of techniques and suggestions on what to do in managing your fe...
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There Is Hope In Managing Your Depression and Fears
by Stan.When your fears and depression have the best of you, it is easy to feel that things will not get any better. This is not true. There is hope in dealing with your fears and depression. For instance, there is much help available in today's society and...
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Dealing With Your Depression While Maintaining A Family
by Stan.It is not easy to deal with your fears, anxieties, or depression while maintaining a family. If you have such a problem, the first step is that you should talk to a professional who can get you started in the right path of getting better. Getting hel...
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How To Overcome Your Bipolar Disorder And Depression As A Parent
by Stan.It can be tough for a parent who has depression to manage the household. Not only do you have to take care of the kids, you also have to deal with your issues. Sometimes your depression, bipolar disorder or your fears can interfere with your job as a...
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Single Mothers At Greater Risk For Depression
by Dave Turo-shields, Acsw, Lcsw.Publishing Guidelines: You have permission to publish thisarticle electronically or in print, free of charge, as longas the resource box is included with a live link to my site. A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated.***************...
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Simple Post-Partum Depression Cures
by Lucky Balaraman.Simple Post-Partum Depression CuresPost-Partum Depression is a debilitating, albeit extremely common, condition that affects new mothers everywhere. Medication is of course one of the standard remedies, but before you opt for it, there are other, sim...
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