Editorials » Medical » Dentist

When Should Orthodontic Treatment Start?
by drnguyen.A child should have his/her teeth checked at about age seven, when the permanent teeth start to grow. Although adolescents (11 to 15 years of age) are most responsive to orthodontics treatment, this early examination will alert the Houston dentists t...
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Heres How Your Cavity Get Started
by drnguyen.Dental caries is an old disease. Paleontological evidence shows that it has afflicted humans at least from the time that agriculture replaced hunting and gathering. Examination of skulls in Britain proposes that caries prevalence changed little fro...
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Why Does My Child Need the Space Maintainer?
by drnguyen.Primary (baby) teeth serve important functions for your child's dental health. They help your child to eat and speak, and they serve as space holders in your child's mouth to ensure that permanent teeth grow in straight. They also are important for t...
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How to Find a Good Dentist
by drnguyen.Finding the dentist who is right for you and your family is key to establishing and preserving excellent oral health. It's not wise to pick a dentist out of the phone book or solely based on insurance coverage. Although the search for the right denti...
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Dental Supplies Included in Preparation of Emergency
by drnguyen.Fierce weather, flu epidemics, gasoline shortages, power outages, and other natural or man-made disasters: you never know when an emergency situation may strike. Since September is America's National Preparedness Month, why not take steps now to gath...
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Teeth Whitening 101
by pilkster.In this day and age, having the brightest, whitest teeth possible has become commonplace. The tooth whitening industry has quickly become a multi million dollar business, with companies vying to compete by introducing new products designed to give co...
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Dental Veneers Help to Bring Back Smiles
by drnguyen.Interest in cosmetic dentistry has soared over the past decade. More people are aware of the options available to them, and an increasing number of dentists offer cosmetic services. We're excited to be able to help our patients achieve a smile to be ...
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Alternatives to Dental Fillings
by drnguyen.The treatment recommendation for a dental cavity is based primarily on the diagnostic classification of the stages of the disease progression. The main criteria are: (1) carious lesions without pulpal involvement (these lesions are normally small an...
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Inflammatory Hyperplastic Lesions of the Oral Cavity
by drnguyen.The causes and the course of the disease Inflammatory hyperplastic lesions have similar causes like the purpuric macule except that the main insults are normally chronic irritants. These insulting agents include calculus, sharp-edge cavities, overha...
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Inside Secrets of Whiter teeth
by drnguyen.After 13 years of practicing cosmetic dentistry in Houston, our dentists have observed the whiteness of your teeth is the important factor for transforming a good smile into a great smile. Your teeth get darker overtime because they absorb the stain ...
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Your Teeth, Inside Out
by drnguyen.Many first impressions are formed by the whiteness and straightness of your teeth. This external view of your teeth is important, but what's inside your teeth is even more important to your overall health and the attractiveness of your smile. Your te...
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Common Cures for Dental Pain
In part 1, nonnarcotic pain medications for dental pain are discussed. Dentists use these medications for relieving mild to moderate oral pain. This article describes the narcotic medications. For moderate to severe dental pain, the typical medicat...
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Gum Disease Causes Low Birth Weight in Infants
by drnguyen.One in every 14 babies in the United States is born with a low birth weight, under 5 pounds 8 ounces. Most of these babies are either born prematurely or are part of a multiple birth. Of the infants born full term, it is known that there are contribu...
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High Levels of Radioactivity Found in American Baby Teeth
by drnguyen.In October 1999, the Radiation and Public Health Project (RPHP) released results of baby teeth examinations in an ongoing study called the "Tooth Fairy Project." These results showed startling levels of radioactive material Strontium-90 (SR-90) in t...
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Improving Your Smile with Cosmetic Dental Veneers
by drnguyen.Now, more than ever, people are wanting to improve their smile and their teeth. One way of doing this is by visiting a dentist and learning about cosmetic dental veneers. Every day, more and more dentists are realizing just how cosmetic dental veneer...
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The Pirates Gold Crown
by drnguyen.Thinking about pirates may conjure up entertaining images of treasure chests, swashbuckling battles, and high jinks on the high seas. But have you taken a good look at their teeth? Crooked, rotting teeth are ugly and unhealthy, but gold crowns can pr...
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How to Be Prepared for Dental Emergencies
by drnguyen.Accidents do happen, so it is important to be as prepared as you possibly can when the unexpected happens to you. Perhaps you'll be eating dinner when you bite down hard on your fork and chip your tooth. Or maybe lose a tooth during a "friendly" fa...
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Using Mouthguard for the Safety of Your Child
by drnguyen.Chances are, a child in your family probably participates in some kind of sporting activity, either in team sports or simply riding a bike. Over two million teeth are knocked out every year in the U.S. largely during sporting activities. Wearing a m...
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Gum Disease and Heart Disease: Discovering the Link
by JoannC.You probably know that brushing and flossing your teeth can help you prevent bad breath, cavities, and plaque. But, do you know that gum disease may affect your cardiovascular system? Well, that's what most of the recent studies have found out. Ac...
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What Causes a Need for a Root Canal?
by DebbieB23.A lot of people think that bad hygiene is the cause of all teeth problems. This is only one cause of root canal.The fact is we inherit our teeth from our parents, determining whether we have hard or soft teeth. Soft teeth decay more readily than har...
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Bad Oral Habits Can Damage Your Teeth
by drnguyen.Teeth are for biting and chewing food, not for tearing packages open, pulling tags off new clothes, undoing knots or cracking nuts! We have all probably been guilty of using our teeth as a multi-purpose tool, but we should give our teeth much more re...
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What to Do after Root Canal Treatment?
by drnguyen.When the nerve of a tooth becomes infected, root canal treatment can save the tooth. How do you know if you have an infected tooth? Some of the signs are heat and cold sensitivity, swelling and pain, or a bad taste in your mouth. Or, you may experien...
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Common Medications for Dental Pain
by drnguyen.The pathophysiology of dental pain is a complex central and peripheral nervous system process, and the use of combination analgesics that act at multiple pain sites can improve dental pain relief. In general, for the treatment of mild to moderate d...
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Preventing Postoperative Sensitivity After Dental Fillings
by drnguyen.Today, more patients ask their dentists about white fillings because they desire their teeth to appear natural when they laugh, talk and smile. White fillings, also called composite fillings, are made from tooth-colored materials that restore the na...
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Gingivitis - A Gum Problem
by kevinp.It is a very common event in everyone's life to see swollen or bleeding gums when you get up to brush your teeth. This problem with your gums, due to inflammation is called Gingivitis. At least one member in every household would be suffering from th...
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