Editorials » Health & Food » Yoga

Yoga Bolster An Equipment To Better Your Yoga
by kevinp.Yoga an ancient art has penetrated into our daily lives and that too in full swing. Every other person is hooked on to it, no matter what your age or size. As it can be done by any other person its popularity has increased and grown in different part...
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Importance and Benefits of Ardha Chandrasana
by kevinp.Life teaches us lot of things and yoga learns lot from life. It derives its inspiration from the basic nature of life which is in various forms such as human, animals, plants, tress, earth, sun and moon. For instance this asanas other name is derived...
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Using Yoga to find Inner Peace
by rene1.Yoga has been around for centuries to help people that suffer with mental, physical and chemical related issues. Most people that suffering pain from mental or physical anguish find it difficult to reach their state of inner peace, while others never...
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Universal Laws of Yoga
by JACKIE.What is Yoga? Why do some religious fundamentalists fear Yoga? What is the objective of Yoga? These questions about the true purpose of Yoga always arise, but the answers are not quite clear. So, let's get to the heart of the matter.Yoga is many thin...
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Benefits of Salamba Sirasana
by kevinp.Salamba Sirasana is known as the king of asanas. As in any story the king and queen play different role, in the same manner the asanas also play a different role. The Queen of poses, the shoulder stand helps in the development of the right brain whic...
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Standing Separate Leg Stretching Yoga Pose
by kevinp.It is also known as the Standing Separate Leg Stretching Pose. As the name suggests it is similar to its name which stretches your legs and arms. It is one of those enduring asanas that helps your heart and other parts of your body. Stretching is ver...
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How To Perform Yogic Exercises.
by kevinp.When you have decided to start with your yoga practice, it is imperative for you to learn how to perform a pose properly. Thus it is advisable for you to find a right teacher who will guide you in the correct manner of performing these poses. Since y...
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Yoga for Life
No matter what your current level of fitness; you can do, and you can benefit from, yoga. You don't need to renounce your religion, be able to tie yourself in knots or hold your breath for ten minutes. All you need is a desire to improve your physica...
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Back Pain Yoga Posture
by davidm.Special back pain yoga posture choices can dramatically improve the flexibility and lengthen the natural reach of your spine. Back injuries often arise from just bending to pick something up. It is important to identify and use the appropriate postur...
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Pranayama - The Silence Of Breathing
by kevinp.Pranayama, also known as yogic breathing is the method of silencing the breath. Prana has been defined as the air which flows through the body. Pranayama is made up of three parts: controlled inhalations, controlled exhalations and holding of the bre...

Yoga Teacher Certification for the Rich and Famous
by JACKIE.Do you think the high cost of becoming a Yoga Teacher is too far out of reach? Will you have to sacrifice your family's life savings to become a Yoga instructor? How will you be able to justify the time off from work needed to gain your Yoga certific...
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Truth About Yoga Teachers
by JACKIE.Yoga Hybrids: It could be argued that Pilates is a Yoga hybrid. I don't want to start a big debate over the Pilates Method. The founder, Joseph Pilates, was truly an innovator and way ahead of his time; he also practiced Yoga and martial arts. Theref...
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Successful Yoga Teaching
by JACKIE.How do you define success for a Yoga teacher? Each Yoga instructor will have a different answer. What is important to one Yoga teacher may be of little importance to another. However, each Yoga teacher has the passion for Yoga within him or her.This ...
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Benefits Of Yoga For Pregnancy
by kevinp.Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful things many women want to go through and are going through. It is something which many women look forward too and with the increasing joy there is also fear factor. Fear about your baby's health, a smooth delive...
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Importance of Yoga Teachers
by JACKIE.In the West, there was a time when practicing Yoga was kept secret. When I was a child, it was considered, "a bit strange." During the 50's and 60's, Yoga practice was associated with being part of counter culture movements, such as living the life o...
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Kapalabhati - A Breathing Exercise
by kevinp.Kapalabhati is a very important asana and it should be part of your daily practice. This pose is also known as the Fire Breathing Pose, due to intake and outlet of air, with force. The exercise purifies your lungs and nasal passage. It is one of the ...

Depression and Yoga
by JACKIE.Yoga teachers often struggle with methods for helping their students deal with a variety of ailments. Depression is serious, and is one of many ailments, but much like stress, it can be the "root cause" of many more problems. So, let's look at ten wa...
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Yoga - A Help During Your Menstruation Days
by kevinp.As everyone does yoga including women there are days during which you are extremely tired due to the bleeding. During such times yoga helps in removing the pain which many women have and go through all their life. It is very important that to know th...
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Points To Be Followed Before Learning Yoga
by kevinp.Once you have decided to practice yoga for better living and spiritual health, you need to take care of the following points so as to prevent injuries to your physical self:? Physical condition of the individual: usually, it is recommended that peopl...
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Yoga is Self Improvement
by JACKIE.After five thousand years of written documentation, Yoga may well be the oldest self-improvement system that ever existed. We don't know what Yoga knowledge may have been lost before man started to record it. In the time period beyond 5,000 years a f...
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Benefits Of Padangusthasana
by kevinp.This is one of the basic yoga asanas which we learn initially while learning yoga. All the yoga poses help in improving your flexibility which becomes very useful in our daily life. The asana is also known as head to foot pose. Your desire to regulat...
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Benefits of Shavasana
by kevinp.For many it is considered to be one of the easiest asanas, but that is not the case. Even though it may look very simple and non-beneficial but it is the other way round. After doing all your yoga poses this is one of the most essential and important...
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Yoga for Helping Negative People
by JACKIE.You do not have to lecture, or criticize, to cause a change within a person, but you would be wise to teach him or her by your own example. This is truly stronger than any words. Some people refer to it as, "Walking the talk." This is because talk is...
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Yoga Teachers Leading by Example
by JACKIE.During the course of a lifetime, most of us have heard the saying," Do as I say, not as I do." We see this kind of leadership everywhere we go. All politicians, religious leaders, police, sports professionals, parents, academic teachers, and Yoga tea...
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Simhasana - The Lion Pose
by kevinp.Yoga has used nature and wildlife as it reference point due to which there are so many asanas related to it. Simhasana is one of those asanas which adds glory to your face and you can easily see the difference. Yoga is an age-old process which has be...

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