Editorials » Health & Food » Yoga

Ardha Kurmasana - Half Tortoise Pose
by kevinp.Ardha Kurmasana is also known as Half Tortoise Yoga Asana. Due to its resemblance to a tortoise it is known as the tortoise pose. This yoga asana can prove to be very beneficial to your body in every possible way. By performing this asana regularly a...

The Relationship between Yoga, Meditation, and Self-Hypnosis
by JACKIE.Each one of these healing methods is thousands of years old. The exact origins of meditation and self-hypnosis are not known. We do know that Yoga existed over 5,000 years ago in the Indus Valley. Despite the evidence that each of these methods cr...
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Nauli - Clean The Body Of Impurities
by kevinp.Nauli is a purificatory process of eliminating the impurities that have gathered in the body. You can practice this process only if you have impurities collected in the body otherwise there is no need to practice it everyday. This process should be p...

Finding a Yoga Teacher
by JACKIE.Safety is a number one priority. Yoga teachers, who take risks with their students, put your business at risk. The Yoga teacher, who physically abuses, his or her students, is not in the right profession.Compassion is more than diplomacy and populari...
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Career as a Yoga Teacher
by JACKIE.At the very least, a Yoga teacher should have knowledge of the latest trends in Yoga classes, and the latest continuing education options for Yoga teachers. If something does appeal to you, there are many different continuing education options availa...
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Spine Twisting Pose - Ardha Matsyendrasana
by kevinp.Ardha Matsyendrasana asana is also known as the Spine Twisting Asana. It is one of the essential poses which make the body healthy and fine. It is a basic pose which should be done by everyone, if their body is capable to do it. If done correctly it ...

Yoga in Practice: A Peaceful Planet
by JACKIE.Non-practitioners often accuse Yoga practitioners of too much self-indulgence. The common concern is that too much self-awareness will cause the Yogi, or Yogini, to worship the inner being. Before you get too excited - you and I know this is not true...
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Jnana Yoga - Yoga For The Intelligent
by kevinp.Jnana means the knowledge. This yoga is the yoga for the intelligent and selected people. This yoga is the ultimate goal of all the other varieties of yoga. This yoga teaches you to look at the world as it is without any ignorance and bias. You can a...
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Benefits of Matsyasana
by kevinp.The name given to every asana derives its inspiration from nature. As this pose happens to look like a fish it is known as matsyasna - fish pose. The popular feeling is that Matsyasana is known as the destroyer of many diseases. This asana has to be ...
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Yoga is Good for the Mind and the Body
by treatrea.Do you know what Yoga can do for your physical, mental and emotional health? Discover the ancient practice of Yoga and get healthy!If you watch someone practicing yoga, you will notice that they are not straining or breathing heavily and that their ...
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Yoga for Depression
by JACKIE.Put Ideas into Action: Procrastination in, and of itself, can cause many poor outcomes. Setting goals, and writing them down, was discussed earlier, but those steps are worthless without putting your plans into action.The "dreamer" who comes up with ...
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New Year Rush for Yoga Teachers
by JACKIE.Let's continue with more ideas for workshops and some specialty classes that may fit in as part of your regular class schedule. You don't have to use all of these ideas, but you may find one, or two, that fit with your clientele and your Yoga studio....
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Yoga Pose For Back Pain
by davidm.The Halasana, also know as the plow pose, is a beneficial yoga pose for back pain. It aids in stretching out the shoulders and spine, helps in reducing stress, and is therapeutic for many types of backaches. When performed to its fullest extent, usin...
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Beginning Yoga Breathing - All You Need To Know
by sayush.In yoga, breathing is everything. Breathing is more than just an intake of oxygen. It is also a way of cleansing the body and restoring equilibrium. But, in order to gain high quality results from the breathing that you do, you must do them correctly...
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Yoga Blocks Are A Good Support System
by kevinp.Any exercise when done correctly would help in getting the proper results. Every part of the body would be rejuvenated by getting your exercise right. The yoga blocks used for doing yoga asanas would create extra strength which you need. This helps i...
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Teaching Hatha Yoga: The Value of Props
by JACKIE.For Yoga teachers the value of props as a tool for alignment is priceless. Yet it is amazing when a Yoga teacher has a negative view of props and the students who use them. Every once in a while you get to hear contrasting views, but below I have lis...
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Importance of Controlling Your Mind
by kevinp.Since ancient times, the human philosophers have realized the importance of mind in governing the human affairs. They knew that a person's external circumstances were the result of his internal thoughts. They were aware that if the person thought ric...
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Tantra Yoga Secrets
by JACKIE.Tantra Yoga is unity by controlling sexual energy. When you consider the main Indian Yoga styles, Tantra Yoga is probably the most controversial of them all. So what is the problem? Is it our "sexual hang-ups" or is it something more? What is the ori...
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Yoga in Anger Management
by JACKIE.Yoga has been able to help many of mankind's ailments, but what about anger management? How can Yoga prevent rage and the burning desire for revenge? Many people say: "Don't get mad, get even." Is this what we are talking about?As any Yoga practition...
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Secrets of Good Yoga Teaching
by JACKIE.Professional and responsible Yoga teachers become exceptional Yoga teachers. The Yoga teacher who shows up late for class, is disorganized, and does not have a hint of lesson plan in his or her head, will not be successful. As a Yoga teacher, your co...
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Truth about Teaching Yoga
by JACKIE.Kids Yoga: You really have to be connected to a children's day care center, private school, or public school, to have large numbers of kids joining your Yoga classes. This may not be the case everywhere, but it reflects the feedback I get from Yoga t...
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Successful Yoga Teachers
by JACKIE.In the last part of this series, let's pick up where we left off about success as a Yoga teacher. With regard to attracting, and keeping your Yoga students, it is not easy to do both. Many Yoga teachers focus on bringing new students in the front doo...
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Yoga Teachers Prepare for the New Year Rush
by JACKIE.The doors will fly open on January 2nd with enthusiastic mobs of Yoga students. What can you do to prepare for the busiest stretch of the year? How can you keep their interest all year long?If there was ever a time to clean up your Yoga studio or hea...
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Benefit Of Yoga For Back Pain
by davidm.The benefit of yoga for back pain treatment is hard to overestimate. Back injuries are often delicate, chronic matters that are resistant to many physically demanding therapeutic solutions. In fact, many back pain sufferers find that traditional West...
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What Is This Thing Called Yoga?
In this article I will help you understand what Yoga is and how it can help you. Achieve a balanced happy and useful life. Yoga is more than exercise. Yoga is spiritual and gives you much more than just a healthy body. It helps your mind and your spi...
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