Editorials » Health & Food » Yoga

In Search of the Perfect Yoga
by JACKIE.What is the perfect Yoga? Is it hot Yoga, based on correct alignment; Vinyasa Yoga, only to be performed with props; or do props take something away from Yoga practice? What about Yoga styles which are not from the Hatha Yoga tree? So - what exactly ...
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Yoga for Anger Management
by JACKIE.The next obstacle is self-righteousness or delusion. This is the belief that you are right, even though the universal laws of morality say you are wrong. How can genocide be justified? How can one race, or religion, justify alienating another? How ca...
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The Journey from Back Pain to Yoga Class
by JACKIE.Why are doctors referring their patients, who have chronic back pain, to Yoga classes? How many studies have been conducted on back pain and Yoga? Is Yoga a "cure all" for back pain? What kind of Yoga class is best for back pain? Let's look at all of...
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Protecting Your Yoga Teaching Business
by JACKIE.When or if, you want to become a Yoga teacher - would you be thinking of litigation and Yoga? The old saying, "the truth hurts," applies to legality, ethics, and teaching Yoga. You can always "bury your head in the sand" and hope that you are never i...
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Benefits And Importance Of Ashtanga Namaskar
by kevinp.This asana is also known as Surya Namaskar Asana or Sun Salutation Asana. It is a combination of 12 postures and each posture provides its unique benefits. The essence of this asana is salutation of the Sun god, which is power source of all the energ...
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Yoga Clothing - What To Wear For Yoga?
by sayush.The right yoga clothes will make your exercises a lot more enjoyable. The practice of yoga is a combination of various body poses. The goal is to promote a healthy and fit body. The question still remains - what should I wear?It would help, if you kn...
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Yama and Niyama in Yoga
by kevinp.Yoga defines yama and niyama as the positive and negative aspects of behaviour respectively. Traditional texts mention ten yamas and ten niyamas but Patanjali's Yogasutra, which is considered the original treatise on yoga, defines five yamas and five...
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Yoga Teachers that Lead by Example
by JACKIE.It is a shame that proper behavior, respect, and ethics do not make great headlines in the newspapers. Just watch the news, and read the newspaper for a week, to confirm what makes "good copy." It will not take long for you to find a dozen, or dozens...
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What Do You Really Want from Yoga?
by JACKIE.Are you looking for a healthy mindset, fitness, spiritual guidance, holistic health, self-improvement, success, or just more oxygen? Yoga can deliver all of these, but I doubt you find all of this "under one roof." The reason is that there are many k...
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What Is Ashtanga Yoga?
by kevinp.In Sanskrit Ashta means eight and Anga means limbs so it can be termed as the eight limb path and is based on Yoga Philosophy of Patanjali. As history of yoga is very rich it helps people in all its manner and this is one of its form which is also kn...
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Yoga Bags - A Helpful Medium
by kevinp.Practicing yoga is very easy provided one does the yoga according to ones capabilities. It wouldn't be advisable for a 50-year-old person to attempt yoga for the first time and start doing poses which are done by 20-year-olds. So if you want to get y...
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Yoga in Practice: Turning Arguments into Treasure
by JACKIE.Ever wish you could take harsh words back? Do you wonder how you could have prevented an impending conflict? How could an argument turn out to be a hidden treasure?We cannot always use the following principles, we are only human, but you will see the...
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Yoga in Practice: Ajna Chakra
by JACKIE.Chakras are vortices located in the subtle body. Ajna 1chakra is located between the eyebrows. The existence of chakras is a point of contention to some. Yogis, and Yoginis, may practice balancing their chakras, while some religious fundamentalists f...
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Five Reasons Why You Should Not be a Yoga Teacher
Truthfully, there are no reasons why any of us cannot be, or do, what we want, as long as you are not hurting anyone. You should always strive to be the best you can be. However, you may find that many people create obstacles, in front of themselves,...
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The Benefits And Importance Of Sarvangasana
by kevinp.It is known as the queen of asanas which works out to be very beneficial for your mind, body and soul. Sarvangasana is a combination of three parts such as "sarva" "anga" and "asana" which means "all body posture". It is one the asana which is very i...
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Preparing for New Year Rush for Yoga Teachers
by JACKIE.This is the last article of this series, and by now, you should be getting some fresh ideas that will help you design a couple of new Yoga classes in your studio.Yoga on the Ball: This has been around for awhile, but it still can add some excitement ...
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Asanas To Help You Out From Your Backache
by kevinp.Yoga is very important in our daily life and it can create positive impact on your health. By doing some asanas would be very good for your back. As the lifestyle and the way of working has changed which causes many of these ailments. The food habits...
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Yoga Clothes - A Fit For Better Yoga
by kevinp.While doing Yoga, one should always keep in mind the comfort and the level of stretch one can go through. To be able to achieve that level one should be wearing really comfortable clothes which can be determined as the need of the hour. Clothes have ...
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Yoga Videos - Guidance And Counseling Towards Better Living
by kevinp.In this rush hour and hectic life every one is looking for peace and tranquility which becomes harder day by day. Many of us do not know the correct way to find relaxation which can be one of the very strenuous tasks to look for. Knowing yoga is very...
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Your First Chair Yoga Class in a Senior Center
by JACKIE.Chair Yoga has become more popular in senior centers, but can also be found in nursing homes, physical rehabilitation units, adult day care centers, and some Yoga studios. However, the vast majority of us will attend a Chair Yoga class in a senior ce...
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Yoga, Mindfulness, and Weight Loss
Some of you may still do this, but remember when most people gave thanks, prayed, or said grace at the table? We can still be thankful to our family members or their company, the cook for his or her skill, to those who brought the food home, and to G...
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How to Become a Successful Yoga Teacher
by JACKIE.How do you measure success? Do you think of physical, mental, spiritual, influential, or monetary success? It is important to be honest with yourself and know that you may be very successful in one area, but not in another.Therefore, look at your str...
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Yoga Balls For Fitness And Stability
by kevinp.Yoga Balls are the new craze in the market due to its viable uses which provides the best posture and stability factor for those who practice yoga. This is an inflatable piece which is now being part of an exercise routine for many. It is made out of...
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Yoga Versus Pilates - Which Should I Do?
by sayush.Many have heard of yoga and Pilates. But, not everyone realizes that there are several differences between these two types of exercising regimens. In fact, yoga is hardly classified as just an exercise program. Each of these methods are quite powe...
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What Is Hatha Yoga?
by kevinp.Ha mean sun and tha means moon so in a simple language hatha would mean the union of opposites. It can also be stated as a very forceful yoga. It deals mostly with the poses and basically more into the physical exercises in this type of yoga. It is t...
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