Editorials » Business Resources » Managing Debt

Dodging Leasing’s Grim Reaper: Navigating a Payment Default
Topic : Commercial Loan Payment : Default Payment & Lease Payment
by George A. Parker.In her third Harry Potter novel, ‘The Prisoner of Azkaban’, J.K. Rowling introduces a silent mysterious clan of spiny, cloaked creatures capable of siphoning off happiness and all good thoughts from ...
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Housing Bill - Changes in the Right To Buy Scheme
Topic : Information On Mortgage : Housing Bill & Buy Rental Property
by Nicola Bullimore.Presently council tenants are able to purchase their rented property after 2 years of tenancy. However, this is about to change. As of the 18th January 2005, the new Housing Bill becomes law and the ...
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A Better Way To Watch Your Credit Reporting
Topic : Credit Card Report : Credit Report & Credit Fraud
by George M Noceti.Are you a victim of any credit card fraud or identity theft? Then you definitely need an enhanced defense from those menaces. You can get superior security from http://www.gotocreditreport.com. Actua...
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No Deposit Home Loans
Topic : No Deposit Loans : Home Loans & No Deposit Mortgage
by Brad Slade.A few years ago, many of us would have had a light chuckle to ourselves if someone mentioned that you could borrow money to buy a house with only the promise of solid future earnings. But today this ...
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Why Choose a Debt Consolidation Loan?
Topic : Consolidate Your Debt : Consolidating Debt & Decrease Debt
by John Mussi.If you are one of the many people who continually struggle to cope with an ever increasing amount of debt the solution could well be within your reach. If your are looking to: reduce interest rate...
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Should you choose to refinance?
Topic : Refinancing Your Mortgage & Refinance Home Mortgage
by Brad Slade.Refinancing has become a valid option for many individuals with high interest rates on their mortgage. Refinancing is essentially a replacement loan, with a different lender and (hopefully) a lower i...
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The Wonders of Compound Interest
Topic : Credit Card Debt : Compound Interest & What is Compound Interest
by Rosella Aranda.Albert Einstein called compound interest “the greatest invention of all time.” It has even been referred to as the “Eighth Wonder of the World.” The trick is to get this tremendous force working fo...
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Free Credit Reports From The Government
Topic : Annual Credit Reports : Free Credit Reports & Credit Reports
by Jeffrey Strain.The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has set up a new website (www.AnnualCreditReport.com) where US residents can obtain free copies of their credit reports from the three major credit report bureaus (...
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The Advantages of Payday Advance Loans
by igosigal.Payday advance loans are becoming increasingly popular for a number of reasons. One of these reasons is that the internet has helped to reduce the costs of borrowing money quite considerably. Where before finance companies would have to incur signifi...
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How to Make the Best Use of Payday Loans
by rsbombard.Indeed, payday loans or cash advances are a quick fix solution to your short term financial troubles. These work to help you meet the unexpected expenses owing to the rising of an emergency situation. The payday loan making is a new concept involving...
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Should You Take A Payday Loan
by rsbombard.You may be in urgent need of cash and payday loans might seem to be the best option available for you in such case. Even then, however, you need to think twice. It might not actually be that opting for payday loan is the only choice left for you. Jud...
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A System a Day Keeps the Creditors Away...
by Business Systems Manager.Have you ever wondered why your customers keep returning to your business instead of going to your competitors?Have you ever asked your clients directly why your business is so valuable to them? Ill bet that if you have asked, you would have found th...
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Step by Step: How to Collect on a Past Due Debt
by trycmcw.There's little more frustrating for a business owner than a customer who won't pay his or her balance due. While the process of regularly billing customers is relatively simple and fast, the process of trying to collect on a past due account can be ...
Similar Editorials : Step by Step

Reducing Bad Debt by Outsourcing Accounts Receivable Management
by trycmcw.One of the toughest growing pains for an expanding company is getting a handle on past due accounts without spending more in staffing and training than stands to be collected. Because the cost to train and hire a qualified in-house staff to manage a...
Similar Editorials : Accounts Receivable Outsourcing

Hiring Professional Collection Agencies
by trycmcw.If you're a business owner, you know how frustrating and potentially devastating it can be when a client doesn't pay. While you're not wearing your business owner hat, you probably hear the conversations between people sharing strategies about how t...
Similar Editorials : Collection Agencies

How to Stay Within the Law when Pursuing Past Due Accounts
by trycmcw.It's infuriating, to say the least, when your clients don't pay on their past due accounts. While you're debtors may be struggling financially to pay their bills, their lack of payment can be a huge financial blow to a company. Regardless of the st...
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Three Ways to Collect an Outstanding Debt
by trycmcw.No matter what measures you take to try and weed out potential non-paying customers, sooner or later one or more accounts are likely to become past due. When you find yourself with a past due account on your hands, the worst thing you can do is igno...
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When to Hire a Collection Agency
by trycmcw.Generally speaking, the ideal time to hire a collection agency is when you feel that your customer has no intention of paying you. The general rule of thumb when it comes to collecting on an unpaid bill is that sooner is much better than later. Sta...
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5 Tips for Collecting on Past Due Accounts
by trycmcw.Oftentimes, business spend almost 100% of their time focusing on how to get new business in the door but have no specific process for collecting on past due accounts. Business owners might be surprised at how much revenue is waiting to be collected ...
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What is a Commercial Mortgage?
by dps247.The loan that is taken out to buy a business asset is generally termed as commercial mortgage. Commercial mortgages are used to buy offices, shops, restaurants or other type of (generally) building. But they can also be used to buy other business ass...
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Mistakes a Loan Officer Must Never Commit
by salesking2006.Achieving a consistent stream of referrals and clients and real state agents is very difficult for a loan officer. If you are one of those loan officers who have a consistent stream of real estate agents that provide you business then you must consid...
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How Do We Deal With Debt?
When debt grows to be more than a person can handle, it is easy to feel like there is no way out. However, you really do have many options available to you for debt relief. Many creditors will agree to work with you on a payment plan, or even to lowe...
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Do It Yourself Business Debt Relief
by KMArticles.As an alternative to corporate bankruptcy under Chapter 11, some companies seek help using business debt negotiators. While firms offering debt negotiation look good, you should be careful which one you use. Many of them are in trouble because of fal...
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When Bankrupting Is Worthwhile
by KMArticles.For many business owners bankruptcy seems scary but, sometimes, declaring bankruptcy is a worthwhile strategy. If you are considering the possibility of declaring bankrupting for your business, this article will review some key points you must know. ...

What Are The Laws About Filing Bankruptcy?
by jarnold.A commonly asked question today is, what exactly comprises bankruptcy law? This question can not be answered in one sentence. But if we were to simplify matters, then we would say that it is that branch of the law that concerns those people who have ...
Similar Editorials : Filing for Bankruptcy

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