Go Beyond. Deliver with Speedbird.

Speedbird Aero is a safe and seamless drone logistics platform. By unlocking the potential of the sky, we are already positively impacting businesses and people's lives around the world. Currently, we are operating in different continents. We have the first platform certified by a respected Civil Aviation Agency, and we expect a global reach by 2030.

CO2 carbon emissions saved (kg).

Transported cargo by air (kg).

Major clients worldwide.

People positively impacted.

We build safe drone systems that are easy to operate.

We are ready to deploy long range or short missions.

Solutions to overcome our current infrastructure gaps.

A positive impact on society

We build unmanned aircraft and develop navigation systems capable of transporting and delivering small packages, including food, and medicine.

It's meant for commercial, industrial, and healthcare use cases, which led us to achieve a significant positive impact on society and on the planet.

How does it work?
Our technology is offered as "Drone as a Service (DaaS)". Our drones are custom designed to deliver packages safely, reliably and quickly. In summary, a customer sends the package to our Droneport. The operator in command attaches the package to our aircraft. Our flights take place at less than 120 meters altitude (400 feet) above the ground and flies diretly to the designated delivery destination. Once at the destination, the drone slows down, and descends to a safe height when the landing procedure begins. The package is automatically decoupled and left in the delivery area. The drone then climbs back to cruise height and returns to the origin Droneport.
How automated is the operation?
Our planning and unmanned traffic management (UTM) software is designed to plan pre-defined routes, avoid obstacles, and meet regulatory requirements. The aircraft automatically monitors its systems to ensure that it is safe to fly and is programmed to prevent take-off or to take contingency actions automatically if a problem is detected. Our operators are trained and supervise the entire operation to ensure that the system is running smoothly.
How much weight the aircraft can transport?
Our drones are arranged in 3 different categories and all operate with a maximum take-off weight of 25 kg or less. The DLV-1 model is designed to deliver small packages weighing approximately 2.5 kg (5.5 lbs) or less. The DLV-2 model is capable of carrying packages of up to 6 kg (14 lbs). The DLV-4 is a VTOL model capable of carrying up to 5 kg (11 lbs) and delivering packages over long distances. We have already delivered fresh food, frozen desserts, medicines, household items and tools to users so far, and we hope to deliver several other products in the future.
How safe is the aircraft?
Our drones are among the safest ways to transport goods. In addition to delivering quickly, drones contribute to reducing the CO2 emissions in the atmosphere, help to decongest streets and avenues, contribute to reduce traffic accidents, save lives and are directly linked to faster and more efficient logistics. We have already performed thousands of commercial flights and obtained an important Airworthiness Certificate issued by ANAC. Our drones are equipped with redundancy systems and have an emergency parachute. Also, they are designed to fly safely during the day, at night and in light rain.
Does it operate in adverse weather conditions?
Our operations are authorized during the day and night and in favorable weather conditions.
Is there any Air Traffic Control coordination?
Our operations happen beyond the operator's visual line of sight (BVLOS). Therefore, if necessary we request the issuance of a NOTAM. Depending on the location there is a need to make an operational agreement with heliports or nearby aerodromes. Our flights take place at less than 120 meters altitude (400 feet) and as an added safety precaution, our operators are trained to closely monitor the radio frequency of local manned air traffic.
Do your drones carry any camera onboard?
Our aircraft are equipped with navigation cameras that point forward and downward and cannot be "directed" at specific objects or people. In other words, the aircraft's camera cannot be controlled by the operator and its sole purpose is to assist air navigation and precision landing. The images have low resolution, and in practice, people are not recognizable as our drones fly to their destination.

  • A delivery carried out by drone takes much more than innovation, it also expands the scope of delivery, as in the case of Aracaju. We chose this city (the first in northeastern Brazil) to test new models and promote a new experience to customers in the region. Our goal is to increase the efficiency of deliveries for everyone: consumers, restaurants and couriers, in addition to bringing technological solutions and alternatives for delivery in non-polluting means of transportation. Fernando Martins, iFood

  • The intention is that drones complement traditional transport, in addition to contributing to the reduction of CO2 emissions. Our purpose of bringing health technology to anyone, wherever they are, depends on the logistical efficiency of our partners, be they hospitals or laboratories. Thus, we positively impact the entire health chain. Fernando Ramos, Grupo Pardini

  • It is essential to be connected with the new trends in logistics, whether in the short, medium or long term. Drones can also contribute to urban mobility and the environment, as it can help reduce the number of vehicles on the streets and, consequently, the carbon emissions. Bruno Stefani, Ambev

  • In search for constant innovation, we operate on several fronts that can bring more quality and agility in the delivery, automation and multichannel process for customer service. Combining the pioneering spirit of the Claro and Speedbird brands, the operator will be the first company in the country, and in the telecom market, to have cargo drones for delivery of products. Hamilton Ricardo, Claro

DLV-1 Aircraft

DLV-1 is designed for urban air logistics. It's capable of carrying up to 2.5 kilograms of cargo and operates within 3 km radius. It is geared towards delivery of lightweight goods, food, medicines, and ecommerce orders. This aircraft will connect neighborhoods, stores, hospitals, and laboratories. Capable of beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) operations.

  • Wheelbase: 1054 mm
  • Package Size: 326 x 250 x 240 mm
  • Battery: 6S Pack x2
  • Payload: 2.5 kg
  • MTOW: 12.5 kg
  • Range: 3 km roundtrip

DLV-2 Aircraft

DLV-2 is designed for heavy lifting air logistics. It's capable of carrying up to 6 kilograms of cargo, and is geared towards the air transportation of heavy payloads, such as industrial items, beverage packs, biological materials, and multiple ecommerce orders. This aircraft will connect neighborhoods, warehouses, hospitals, and laboratories. Capable of beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) operations.

  • Wheelbase: 1600 mm
  • Package Size: 370 x 370 x 225 mm
  • Battery: 12S Pack x2
  • Payload: 6 kg
  • MTOW: 25 kg
  • Range: 8 km roundtrip

DLV-4 Aircraft

DLV-4 is designed for long range air logistics. It's capable of carrying up to 5 kilograms of cargo, and is geared towards the delivery of goods, medicines, and ecommerce orders. This aircraft will connect cities, warehouses, hospitals and remote areas. It can reach locations 100 km away depending on configurations. Capable of beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) operations.

  • Wingspan: 4 meters
  • Package Size: 430 x 220 x 205 mm
  • Battery: 12S Pack x2
  • Payload: < 5 kg
  • MTOW: 25 kg
  • Range: 40 km roundtrip


Our droneport is similar to an airport in that it is a facility designed to support the takeoff and landing of several drones from its hub. It is formed by modular structures that can be expanded. Typically, it contains one or more touchdown and liftoff areas and may also have facilities such as charging stations, operation and maintenance rooms, or hangars.

  • Area: 8 x 8 meters
  • Capacity: Operators x2
  • Drones: Multiple
  • Facilities: Chargers, Storage
  • Layout: Modular


Speedbird's Cloud Control Station (CCS) is a powerful software suite designed to provide end-to-end tech infrastructure for aircraft control and monitoring, providing a safe and seamless user experience. Operators can plan and define air corridors and predefined routes to connect droneports strategically located in cities, hospitals, warehouses and distribution centers.

  • Control Link: Internet 4G/5G
  • Telemetry: Realtime
  • Video Realtime Streaming x2
  • Landing: A.I. Assisted
  • Safety Logics: Certified for BVLOS

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