Launch Your Ultra Fast WordPress Website

Just enter your server or hosting account credentials and let Softaculous Cloud setup and optimize your server or hosting account, install SSL certificate and setup WordPress.
All this with just a click!

Launch WordPress Now

7-Days Free Trial (No Credit Card Required)
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  • Any Cloud Instance
  • Intuitive WordPress Manager UI
  • Webuzo or cPanel Hosting Account
  • Super Fast Website Performance
  • Object Cache & Backups
  • No Technical Knowledge Required

Cloud or Hosting Providers

Or Any Other Cloud/VPS Provider

Trusted Partners
Active Apps Installations
Active Servers

Is Softaculous Cloud for You ?

Softaculous Cloud has features that help everyone who works with WordPress like a Student, Blogger, Agency or Plugin/Theme Developer.

For Plugin/Theme Developers

If you develop plugins and themes for WordPress, you can use the Templates feature in Softaculous Cloud which lets you create a private/public template of a Sandbox installation where you can install your premium plugins/themes and the user (or yourself via API) can one click launch a new WordPress instance using your template and get your plugins/themes pre-installed and activated. Users also get access to WordPress admin panel so they can try all the features of your premium plugins/themes. You can also disable installing of any new plugins on the demo sites so the users cannot download your premium plugin/theme's source code using plugins like File Manager.

For Agencies

If you are a WordPress agency, you can use Softaculous Cloud to manage all your clients' websites from a single control panel and perform bulk actions to your sites like update, install plugin on all sites. Connect multiple VPS/Shared hosting accounts hosted on different locations using a WordPress plugin or hosting account credentials. Create Staging websites to test updates or any new changes before making those changes on production website.

You can also create templates for your basic websites e.g. E-Commerce, Portfolio, Photography websites with required plugins/themes installed and when a customer places an order to create a website just restore the template on a new domain and start working with a base instead of building a website from scratch and save several hours of repetitive work.

Create a website for your customer on our sandbox server without need to purchase a domain or hosting account. Let the user approve the design and then you can one-click Clone the sandbox website to the production domain and hosting account. Thus saving costs and time !

No need to remember passwords for all your customers websites or create users with weak passwords. Softaculous Cloud lets you one-click login to your WordPress admin panel securely without credentials.

For Students

If you are a Student or a beginner with WordPress, you can launch Sandbox websites for Free to explore WordPress, its plugins, themes, features and play with it before you purchase a domain or hosting space.

For Bloggers

If you are a Blogger, you can manage multiple blogs and posts from a single portal. Edit/View/Delete posts from a single page. Or Publish a post from one website to multiple websites with just one click without even having to login to a single WordPress website.

What is Softaculous ?

Softaculous is an auto installer for 380+ apps like WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Magento, etc. which integrates with several control panels like Webuzo, cPanel, Directadmin, Plesk, Interworx, ispmanager and more.

Softaculous has features like Auto Upgrade, Cloning, Staging, Remote Import, Backups, Restore and more which helps you in maintaining your apps with ease.

Softaculous includes a feature rich WordPress Manager which allows you to manage WordPress Plugins, Themes, Posts, Upgrade Settings, wp-config Settings and much more.
Softaculous for Hosting Providers

What is Softaculous Cloud ?

Softaculous Cloud is a hosted panel where you can bulk manage your WordPress websites from one single dashboard irrespective where the sites are hosted.

One Click Apply changes like Plugins, Themes, Posts, Upgrade Settings, WordPress Configuration for all your sites from one dashboard.

Add your server root credentials and let Softaculous setup the required apps to install and run WordPress.

Add your Webuzo or cPanel hosting account credentials and choose the domain and install WordPress with one click. No manual steps required.

We do not provide hosting services. We are a Cloud based control panel to manage your WordPress Apps.
Access Softaculous Cloud


Save your time and let Softaculous Cloud configure your servers. You can start building your WordPress website in minutes.
Manage all your WordPress installations from one dashboard.

Multiple Cloud Providers

Spin up a server from a wide range of Cloud Providers like Google Cloud, AWS S3, DigitalOcean, Vultr or any other provider

Super Fast Server Setup

Just add your server credentials, we will install and configure the required apps automatically to run your website ultra fast.

Hosting Accounts

Already have a hosting account ? Just add the account credentials & you are all set.
Webuzo & cPanel accounts supported.

Automatic Backups

Auto Backups for your websites to ensure you have a safe copy in case anything goes wrong and you need to restore your site.

Optimized Configuration

Softaculous Cloud sets up secure & optimized configuration for all the apps to ensure that your website loads instantly.

MultiPHP Support

Run Multiple PHP versions on your system and switch between PHP versions on the fly by the click of a button.

Clone & Staging

Quickly spin up a staging instance to test upgrades or Clone an installation in just a click to create a new site from an existing installation.

Plugins & Themes Management

Upload and install plugins or themes from or by uploading zip. Upgrade, Activate, Deactivate or Delete plugins &  themes without having to login to WordPress

Plugins & Themes Sets

Create sets with chosen WordPress Plugins & Themes and choose to install the set while installing WordPress or bulk install Set to all existing installations with a click

Templates & Demos

Showcase demos for your premium plugins/themes using the templates feature in Softaculous. Start from a template instead of making a website from scratch.

Sandbox Websites

Create Sandbox websites for tests. Sandbox websites are short lived and are deleted after a week. You can Clone the sandbox site to a live domain with a click.

Powerful Dashboard

One single dashboard for all your WordPress websites. Manage Updates, Posts, Plugins, Themes & much more from a single page.

Object Cache

When you setup a VM via Softaculous Object Cache will be enabled for super fast loading of your WordPress websites

Gutenberg Blocks

Hundreds of ready to use Blocks compatible with Gutenberg for building your website in minutes using Gutenberg editor

Website Monitoring

Most outages last less than 5 mins. Our efficient monitoring system notifies you within seconds if your website goes offline.


Softaculous Cloud takes care of all the security aspects of your server from timely SSL certificate renewals to patching all apps.

Multilingual WordPress

WordPress can be installed in over 35+ languages like English, French German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Japanese, Chinese and more

Safe and Secure

Softaculous is regularly audited by 3rd party auditors & the security patches are released immediately after the issue is discovered

Efficient and Light

Softaculous is well written and follows best coding practices so that it comsumes minimal resources

24x7 Support

Our Customer Support team is available at all times to help you with any questions or issues you come across.

All Features

Let's get started to get you live with just a few clicks

Ready to launch your WordPress website ?

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