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Real User Monitoring
Presentation Schedule
• Cliff - 10-20m on RUM
• Aaron – 10-20m on Monitoring in real-time
• Balaji – 10-20m on Correlating RUM and Business Analytics
• Final Q&A
Cliff Crocker
- Performance
- Reliability
- Platform & Site Analytics
Twitter: @cliffcrocker
• We are not the
fastest retail site
on the internet
IE 8 – Web Page Test Comp
Index – Item Page Performance
11s – Fully Loaded time
What gets measured, gets done…
• Before we start to optimize – see where our pain is
and prepare to measure for success.
• You never go on a diet without first stepping on the
Source: Flickr
Synthetic Monitoring
– Technology is great
– Real Browsers (IE, Chrome,
– Built in Alerting
– Charting/Trending
– Waterfall analysis
– Screen shots & headers
– Object level detail
– False Positives
– Impossible/impractical to
measure everything
– Fixed number of browser/OS
– Simulated bandwidth
constraints at best
– Too few data points for
statistical relevance
~2.2% of Global Internet
usage - Thanksgiving this year
• If only those users
could tell us about their
site experience…
Source: Flickr
Enter boomerang.js -
boomerang.js with NavTiming (thanks Buddy & Phil)
• Doc Complete, Page Response, Page Processing, TTFB, DNS, Connect & more
• Cookie data (for parent domain)
• Location (geolookup on IP)
• Referrer
• User Agent
• Anything else you want to stuff into the beacon
Source: Flickr
Start with a url group (i.e. ‘Item Page’)
Find offenders that
have the most
Identify usage patterns for browsers
(Chrome and Safari users more
active on weekends)
What we found scared us…
Home Page Performance – Jan 2012
Set some goals and SLAs
• Focus on ‘Page Processing Time’ First
– see Golden Rule – 80% of time spent here (more like 90% for Walmart)
• Look at backend & network response time SLAs later
• Use 95th
• Set Achievable SLAs
• Revisit Monthly
• Celebrate Wins!
Case Study: Item Page
• Problem:
– Page takes ~24s for slowest 5% of users
• Too many elements
• Slow third party modules
• Several other pagespeed ‘no-nos’
• Goal: Meet SLA for February
– 20s (95th
• Approach:
– Scrum team dedicated to perf optimization for 1 sprint
– Team pools resources and ideas - focuses on biggest bang
8s off the 95th
2.7s under February SLA
RUM in Near Real Time
How boomerang.js Works
1. client downloads JavaScript payload
2. client sends RUM payload to beacon
3. beacon server responds with HTTP 204
Aaron Kulick
- Performance
- Founder: SF & SV Web Performance Group
Twitter: @GoFastWeb
Configuring boomerang.js is EASY
Getting Actionable Data Is HARD
Where’s the data?
The initial incarnation of RUM @ WMT leveraged Akamai at the edge.
• data reliability issues
• data availability issues
• data “freshness” issues
It works… for certain values of work
Source: Flickr
Source: Flickr
Enter Hubble
The Bridge Between Then and Now
• Etsy/StatsD -
– Timers
– Counters
– Simple Aggregation
• Min, Max, Mean, Median, 95th
• Whisper, Carbon & Graphite -
– Scalable Realtime Graphing
– RRD-like Storage Requirements + Federated Option
– Supports Irregular Updates
The Now Bits
• Fixed some calculation problems in Etsy/StatsD
• Added median calculation for timers
• Incorporated multiple flush interval patches
Pretty Pictures
The Work Tomorrow…
The Good
•Metric Throughput
•Commodity Storage
•Commodity Infrastructure
The Bad
•More Metric Throughput
•Calculation Complexity
•Web Sockets (pretty)
•Metric Fan-out
Is Page Performance a Factor of
Site Conversion? And how big is
February, 2012
31 - Fun Facts
• Reach
–Millions of Shoppers/week.
–Billions of page requests/year - Spikes up to 1500%
–Billions of internal product search volumes/year
• Scale
–Millions of active product SKUs + Market Place
–Millions of pages indexed in search engines
• Complexity
of page contents served by partners, affiliates and Marketplace
–Multiple departments, 10+ checkout paths
Page Performance & Site Conversion – Feb 2012
So, how do you monitor?...
Page Performance & Site Conversion – Feb 2012
Few Industry Benchmarks…
• Factoid 1: Large eCommerce site extensively A/B
tested page performance and published a study
showing 100 millisecond delay = 1% drop in revenue
• Factoid 2: Search Engines A/B tested performance
and found that a 500 millisecond delay caused a 20%
drop in traffic.
• Factoid 3: In an experiment across multiple retailers,
a 1 second delay caused a 7% decline in conversion
Page Performance & Site Conversion – Feb 2012
So, how big is it for
Page Performance & Site Conversion – Feb 2012
• Phase 1 – Baseline Measurement - Impact of Site
Performance on Conversion, Bounce rates &
• Phase 2 - Targets for Page Performance
• Phase 3 – Optimization Results
• Key Highlights & Takeaways
Page Performance & Site Conversion – Feb 2012
• Phase 1 – Baseline Measurement - Impact of Site
Performance on Conversion, Bounce rates &
• Phase 2 – Targets for Page Performance
• Phase 3 – Optimization Results
• Key Highlights & Takeaways
Page Performance & Site Conversion – Feb 2012
Impact of site performance on overall site conversion rate….
Baseline – 1 in 2 site visits had response time > 4 seconds
* Sharp decline in conversion rate as average site load time increases from 1 to 4 seconds
* Overall average site load time is lower for the converted population (3.22 Seconds) than the non-
converted population (6.03 Seconds)
Note: Load Time here is the time taken from head of the page to page ready (T_Page)
Page Performance & Site Conversion – Feb 2012
@ Page level….
Page load time is lower for Buyers compared to Non-Buyers
* The Page load time is highest for certain pages - 6.38 secs when there was a conversion and
8.06 where there was no conversion.
Note: Load Time here is the time taken from head of the page to page ready (T_Page)
Page Performance & Site Conversion – Feb 2012
@ Department level….
Department load time is lower for Buyers compared to Non-Buyers
* Key Categories has 2-3 seconds difference b/w buyer Vs non-buyer
Note: Load Time here is the time taken from head of the page to page ready (T_Page)
Page Performance & Site Conversion – Feb 2012
What about bounce?
Page Bounce Rate Vs Response Time
* Key pages have high bounce rates which correlates with high T_Page as well
* Significant difference ( up to 9secs) in T_Page between bounced and non-bounced for landing
Note: Load Time here is the time taken from head of the page to page ready (T_Page)
Page Performance & Site Conversion – Feb 2012
Bounce rates @ department level….
Department Bounce Rate Vs Response Time
* High T_Page for key pages (up to 19.82s) and key department making Bounce rate significantly
Note: Load Time here is the time taken from head of the page to page ready (T_Page)
Page Performance & Site Conversion – Feb 2012
• Phase 1 – Baseline Measurement - Impact of Site
Performance on Conversion, Bounce rates &
• Phase 2 - Targets for Page Performance
• Phase 3 – Optimization Results
• Key Highlights & Takeaways
Page Performance & Site Conversion – Feb 2012
Phase 2 – Targets for Page Performance……
Conversion & Bounce Rate Impacts Drives Prioritization
Note: Load Time here is the time taken from head of the page to page ready (T_Page)
Page Performance & Site Conversion – Feb 2012
• Phase 1 – Baseline Measurement - Impact of Site
Performance on Conversion, Bounce rates &
• Phase 2 - Targets for Page Performance
• Phase 3 – Optimization Results
• Key Highlights & Takeaways
Page Performance & Site Conversion – Feb 2012
Phase 3 – Success Story….
First Win….and yes conversion had positive improvements…
Page Performance & Site Conversion – Feb 2012
• Page speed matters for site conversion!
• Monitor real user performance in a “Big Data” way!!
• Every 1s improvement = Up to 2% increase in CVR
• 100ms improvement = Up to 1% incremental revenue
• SEO benefits for entry pages and reduce bounces
• Test & Learn - Target segments and run A/B Tests focused on
improving page performance
Key Highlights
Page Performance & Site Conversion – Feb 2012
We’re Hiring for Everything!!!!
Source: Flickr
@cliffcrocker or @GoFastWeb

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Walmart pagespeed-slide

  • 2. Presentation Schedule • Cliff - 10-20m on RUM • Aaron – 10-20m on Monitoring in real-time • Balaji – 10-20m on Correlating RUM and Business Analytics • Final Q&A
  • 3. Cliff Crocker - Performance - Reliability - Platform & Site Analytics Twitter: @cliffcrocker
  • 4. shhhh….. • We are not the fastest retail site on the internet today. IE 8 – Web Page Test Comp Index – Item Page Performance 11s – Fully Loaded time 4
  • 5. What gets measured, gets done… • Before we start to optimize – see where our pain is and prepare to measure for success. • You never go on a diet without first stepping on the scale… 5 Source: Flickr
  • 6. Synthetic Monitoring Pros – Technology is great – Real Browsers (IE, Chrome, FF) – Built in Alerting – Charting/Trending – Waterfall analysis – Screen shots & headers – Object level detail Cons – False Positives – Impossible/impractical to measure everything – Fixed number of browser/OS combinations – Simulated bandwidth constraints at best – Too few data points for statistical relevance 6
  • 7. ~2.2% of Global Internet usage - Thanksgiving this year 7
  • 8. • If only those users could tell us about their site experience… 8 Source: Flickr
  • 9. Enter boomerang.js - boomerang.js with NavTiming (thanks Buddy & Phil) • Doc Complete, Page Response, Page Processing, TTFB, DNS, Connect & more • Cookie data (for parent domain) • Location (geolookup on IP) • Referrer • User Agent • Anything else you want to stuff into the beacon + 9 Source: Flickr
  • 10. 10
  • 11. Start with a url group (i.e. ‘Item Page’) Find offenders that have the most impact
  • 12. Identify usage patterns for browsers (Chrome and Safari users more active on weekends) 12
  • 13. 13
  • 14. What we found scared us… Home Page Performance – Jan 2012 14
  • 15. Set some goals and SLAs • Focus on ‘Page Processing Time’ First – see Golden Rule – 80% of time spent here (more like 90% for Walmart) • Look at backend & network response time SLAs later • Use 95th Percentile • Set Achievable SLAs • Revisit Monthly • Celebrate Wins! 15
  • 16. Case Study: Item Page • Problem: – Page takes ~24s for slowest 5% of users • Too many elements • Slow third party modules • Several other pagespeed ‘no-nos’ • Goal: Meet SLA for February – 20s (95th percentile) • Approach: – Scrum team dedicated to perf optimization for 1 sprint – Team pools resources and ideas - focuses on biggest bang 16
  • 17. Success! 8s off the 95th %tile 17
  • 19. RUM in Near Real Time
  • 20. BEACON SERVER BEACON SERVERCLIENTCLIENT INTERNETINTERNET MAGIC SMOKE How boomerang.js Works 1. client downloads JavaScript payload 2. client sends RUM payload to beacon 3. beacon server responds with HTTP 204 WHO CARES!WHO CARES! 20
  • 21. Aaron Kulick - Performance - Founder: SF & SV Web Performance Group Twitter: @GoFastWeb WHO AM I?
  • 22. Configuring boomerang.js is EASY Getting Actionable Data Is HARD 22
  • 23. Where’s the data? The initial incarnation of RUM @ WMT leveraged Akamai at the edge. • data reliability issues • data availability issues • data “freshness” issues It works… for certain values of work Source: Flickr Source: Flickr 23
  • 25. The Bridge Between Then and Now • Etsy/StatsD - – Timers – Counters – Simple Aggregation • Min, Max, Mean, Median, 95th Percentile • Whisper, Carbon & Graphite - – Scalable Realtime Graphing – RRD-like Storage Requirements + Federated Option – Supports Irregular Updates
  • 26. The Now Bits HUBBLEHUBBLE UDPUDP StatsDStatsD AGGREGATION Graphite + Whisper Graphite + Whisper UDP/TCPUDP/TCP STORAGE + DISPLAY • Fixed some calculation problems in Etsy/StatsD • Added median calculation for timers • Incorporated multiple flush interval patches
  • 27. Pretty Pictures RAW DATA FORMAT uswmt.all.t_page.upper_95(9289.0),1329259510,1329260710,10|15904.0,9184.0,9125.0,12736.0,11735.0,16776.0,8484.0, 10839.0,14620.0,7579.0,8871.0,8240.0,12390.0,5211.0,10301.0,24784.0,9410.0,16554.0,9609.0,11871.0,12751.0,9797.0, 11003.0,15962.0,7953.0,7707.0,4181.0,11616.0,11746.0,12814.0,10566.0,24782.0,18303.0,20904.0,7718.0,8531.0,7312.0, 9614.0,8749.0,11671.0,5989.0,9832.0,10592.0,11611.0,16946.0,18858.0,14360.0,15927.0,10470.0,10140.0,11307.0,9739.0, 9772.0,9875.0,13641.0,11626.0,14758.0,6529.0,11727.0,10194.0,8003.0,10639.0,7297.0,9891.0,10312.0,12497.0,11557.0, 11406.0,12456.0,12939.0,11029.0,10813.0,11737.0,10618.0,14128.0,16879.0,15865.0,6255.0,14605.0,8861.0,27425.0, 10948.0,19666.0,7185.0,13266.0,13156.0,15111.0,13110.0,15151.0,8666.0,16775.0,10110.0,10387.0,17274.0,22183.0, 8937.0,13168.0,12267.0,11891.0,9635.0,10446.0,8129.0,9550.0,9229.0,8375.0,8657.0,11119.0,6799.0,9094.0,21952.0, 14989.0,16828.0,9001.0,13444.0,10332.0,13609.0,9266.0,13349.0,11546.0,9289.0 uswmt.all.t_page.median(1844.0),1329259510,1329260710,10|4165.0,2333.5,2073.5,2584.0,2547.0,2627.5,2401.0,1575.0, 2170.0,1169.0,1970.0,1838.0,2083.0,5211.0,2496.0,3242.5,1541.0,1437.5,1928.0,1971.0,1776.0,3108.0,2010.5,2044.0,2325.5, 2640.0,1733.0,3924.0,2629.0,1867.5,1782.0,2370.5,2921.0,4783.0,2260.0,1340.0,3256.0,2297.0,2565.0,1874.0,2000.0,2483.5, 2705.5,2432.0,1809.0,2826.0,2204.0,2695.0,1045.0,1615.5,2250.0,2387.0,1562.5,1998.0,2512.0,2139.0,1482.0,2138.5,2100.0, 2583.0,2652.0,3277.0,2549.0,1755.0,2196.5,2766.0,2989.5,3638.0,3034.0,3615.5,2650.5,5207.5,3023.0,1941.0,1918.5,1768.0, 3048.0,1522.5,2710.0,1392.0,2402.0,2005.0,3246.0,1383.0,1880.0,2398.0,1833.0,2579.0,2052.0,2622.0,2089.0,1102.0,1296.0, 3339.0,2132.5,2831.0,3466.0,2131.0,2026.0,2754.0,3228.5,1000.0,2075.0,2011.5,2428.0,4019.5,2788.0,1665.0,1968.0,2695.5, 2873.0,1752.0,2314.5,1766.0,2971.0,3091.5,2205.5,3033.0,2476.0,1844.0 27
  • 28. The Work Tomorrow… The Good •Metric Throughput •Commodity Storage •Commodity Infrastructure The Bad •More Metric Throughput •Calculation Complexity •Web Sockets (pretty) •Metric Fan-out 28
  • 30. Is Page Performance a Factor of Site Conversion? And how big is it? February, 2012 v s
  • 31. 31 - Fun Facts • Reach –Millions of Shoppers/week. –Billions of page requests/year - Spikes up to 1500% –Billions of internal product search volumes/year • Scale –Millions of active product SKUs + Market Place –Millions of pages indexed in search engines • Complexity –1/4th of page contents served by partners, affiliates and Marketplace –Multiple departments, 10+ checkout paths Page Performance & Site Conversion – Feb 2012
  • 32. 32 So, how do you monitor?... Page Performance & Site Conversion – Feb 2012
  • 33. 33 Few Industry Benchmarks… • Factoid 1: Large eCommerce site extensively A/B tested page performance and published a study showing 100 millisecond delay = 1% drop in revenue • Factoid 2: Search Engines A/B tested performance and found that a 500 millisecond delay caused a 20% drop in traffic. • Factoid 3: In an experiment across multiple retailers, a 1 second delay caused a 7% decline in conversion Page Performance & Site Conversion – Feb 2012
  • 34. 34 So, how big is it for Page Performance & Site Conversion – Feb 2012
  • 35. 35 Agenda • Phase 1 – Baseline Measurement - Impact of Site Performance on Conversion, Bounce rates & Revenue • Phase 2 - Targets for Page Performance • Phase 3 – Optimization Results • Key Highlights & Takeaways Page Performance & Site Conversion – Feb 2012
  • 36. 36 Agenda • Phase 1 – Baseline Measurement - Impact of Site Performance on Conversion, Bounce rates & Revenue • Phase 2 – Targets for Page Performance • Phase 3 – Optimization Results • Key Highlights & Takeaways Page Performance & Site Conversion – Feb 2012
  • 37. 37 Impact of site performance on overall site conversion rate…. Baseline – 1 in 2 site visits had response time > 4 seconds * Sharp decline in conversion rate as average site load time increases from 1 to 4 seconds * Overall average site load time is lower for the converted population (3.22 Seconds) than the non- converted population (6.03 Seconds) Note: Load Time here is the time taken from head of the page to page ready (T_Page) Page Performance & Site Conversion – Feb 2012
  • 38. 38 @ Page level…. Page load time is lower for Buyers compared to Non-Buyers * The Page load time is highest for certain pages - 6.38 secs when there was a conversion and 8.06 where there was no conversion. Note: Load Time here is the time taken from head of the page to page ready (T_Page) Page Performance & Site Conversion – Feb 2012
  • 39. 39 @ Department level…. Department load time is lower for Buyers compared to Non-Buyers * Key Categories has 2-3 seconds difference b/w buyer Vs non-buyer Note: Load Time here is the time taken from head of the page to page ready (T_Page) Page Performance & Site Conversion – Feb 2012
  • 40. 40 What about bounce? Page Bounce Rate Vs Response Time * Key pages have high bounce rates which correlates with high T_Page as well * Significant difference ( up to 9secs) in T_Page between bounced and non-bounced for landing pages. Note: Load Time here is the time taken from head of the page to page ready (T_Page) Page Performance & Site Conversion – Feb 2012
  • 41. 41 Bounce rates @ department level…. Department Bounce Rate Vs Response Time * High T_Page for key pages (up to 19.82s) and key department making Bounce rate significantly higher Note: Load Time here is the time taken from head of the page to page ready (T_Page) Page Performance & Site Conversion – Feb 2012
  • 42. 42 Agenda • Phase 1 – Baseline Measurement - Impact of Site Performance on Conversion, Bounce rates & Revenue • Phase 2 - Targets for Page Performance • Phase 3 – Optimization Results • Key Highlights & Takeaways Page Performance & Site Conversion – Feb 2012
  • 43. 43 Phase 2 – Targets for Page Performance…… Conversion & Bounce Rate Impacts Drives Prioritization Note: Load Time here is the time taken from head of the page to page ready (T_Page) Page Performance & Site Conversion – Feb 2012
  • 44. 44 Agenda • Phase 1 – Baseline Measurement - Impact of Site Performance on Conversion, Bounce rates & Revenue • Phase 2 - Targets for Page Performance • Phase 3 – Optimization Results • Key Highlights & Takeaways Page Performance & Site Conversion – Feb 2012
  • 45. 45 Phase 3 – Success Story…. First Win….and yes conversion had positive improvements… Page Performance & Site Conversion – Feb 2012
  • 46. 46 • Page speed matters for site conversion! • Monitor real user performance in a “Big Data” way!! • Every 1s improvement = Up to 2% increase in CVR • 100ms improvement = Up to 1% incremental revenue • SEO benefits for entry pages and reduce bounces • Test & Learn - Target segments and run A/B Tests focused on improving page performance Key Highlights Page Performance & Site Conversion – Feb 2012
  • 47. We’re Hiring for Everything!!!! 47 Source: Flickr @cliffcrocker or @GoFastWeb