Search engines don’t search. People do.

Search has evolved. The prioritization of user experience above all other factors by search engines demands a user-centric approach to SEO, not chasing the endless changes to search engine algorithm. seoClarity defined this framework and methodology to meet this need.

We call it Search Experience Optimization.


What is Search Experience Optimization?

Search Experience Optimization (SXO) recognizes that the user experience – not search engines – ultimately determine SERP position and rank. This approach to SEO aligns efforts toward the audience to ensure you meet the searchers needs. Specifically, it focuses on making your website the perfect answer to your customer’s every question.

This strategy is what differentiates top performing companies and overcomes the barriers to greater search visibility in the search results.

Three core principles lie at the heart of Search Experience Optimization. 

  • Introduces an overall vision and approach to the SEO program - SIMPLIFY
  • Breaks down silos across an company - STRUCTURE
  • Aligns metrics that are beyond the search engines and focuses on the customers' experience - SCALE

Find out how Search Experience Optimization engages everyone in the organization from SEOs, IT developers, digital marketers, and content writers.


The Search Experience Optimization Methodology

Search focused on the user requires new ways of thinking and doing. seoClarity has developed a simple, proven 7 Step Roadmap to optimize the search experience to address every search term and topic. It’s built on more than a decade of experience…shared knowledge from many of the world’s most successful enterprises in search engine optimization…and feedback from power SEOs from all over the globe.


B2B Ecommerce Site Earns 30% YOY Organic Search Growth

Understand how this organization leveraged the Search Experience Optimization framework that led to 30% YOY growth in organic search. 

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Architecture Issues

Find and address problems with site architecture, like 404 errors, that create a negative user experience.


The Best SEO Audit Checklist to Boost Search Visibility and Rankings >

Indexing Issues

If users get lost, so will the search engines. This means small technical details must be monitored and kept up to date. Some questions to address include:

  • Are pages properly tagged?
Are they organized in a way that enables users to easily navigate the website?

3 Common Indexing Issues & How to Fix >

Keyword Portfolio Development

Keywords used for search provide insight into what your audience wants and how they look for it. Some questions to ask:

  • Do you know all the keywords used in user search?
  • Are keyword indexes aligned with customer search?

Steps to Build Your Keyword Portfolio >



Keyword Portfolio Management

Trends change. So does the way your audience searches. The search experience requires constant tracking, monitoring and management. For example:

  • Do you know all the keywords your users are searching for?
  • Do seasonal changes affect how your audience searches?
  • What keywords are driving success for your competitors?


14 Quick SEO Tweaks to Increase Search Visibility >

Content Mapping

More than 80% of searches conducted seek informational content. It’s essential to know:

  • Do you have relevant content that answers customers’ questions?
  • Do you have content to address users at every step of their consumer journey?


Content Mapping Process (Template included) >



Content Optimization

Content starts with the answer to a user’s question. Quality content gets more attention, but to ensure content gets seen, technical elements must be addressed. This makes questions like these vital:

  • Is content useful, fresh and unique?
  • Does content include relevant HTML elements?
  • Does it have internal links?
  • Are keyword indexes aligned with customer search?

Optimize Your Content >

Keys to Success

The Framework

Our framework aligns all marketing efforts to the user experience by focusing on the 3 core elements of Usability, Relevance, and Authority.

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Training & Certification

seoClarity offers Clarity Academy Live, an interactive training workshop focused on advanced application of the search experience framework. In-classroom workshops are held in cities around the world.

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Client Support

Have an issue? Looking for insight into your data? Want to detail the customer journey or get help with technical SEO? Call, email, or LiveChat with our Client Success Team!

How Can We Help?

The Award

seoClarity’s Search Experience Award recognizes organizations that have shown their commitment to the user experience through successful implementation of the Search Experience Optimization framework.

Recognize Your Team

Latest Blog Posts

Original research, innovative strategies and real-life case studies

14 Quick SEO Tweaks to Increase Search Visibility

Many new enterprise SEOs ask me for advice on improving their search engine rankings quickly so their content can be seen in organic search.
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Prepare Your Site for a Google Algorithm Update With This Framework

Key Points: Google constantly releases algorithm updates that affect search engine rankings and the user experience. Don’t try to keep up with the con...
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Worried About Google’s Helpful Content Update? Don’t Be If...

Google has long-prioritized the search experience. Every year it has released several algorithm updates to tackle spam and poor-quality results like P...
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