How to run a successful competitor-focused paid campaign

How to run a successful competitor-focused paid campaign

5y Matt LaMontagne
Nine Google Ads hacks to improve your CTR and conversion rate

Nine Google Ads hacks to improve your CTR and conversion rate

5y Himanshu Rauthan
Traffic forecasting: Predicting potential return from the 87% of buyers who start with search

Traffic forecasting: Predicting potential return from the 87% of buyers who...

5y Emily Alford
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daily news and insights about search engine marketing, SEO and paid search.
Making the case for more non-brand funding in paid search

Making the case for more non-brand funding in paid search

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Five things to do on a small digital marketing budget

Five things to do on a small digital marketing budget

5y Lauren Crain
The fall of ad copy, long live ad copy

The fall of ad copy, long live ad copy

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The middle ground for single keyword ad groups (SKAGs)

The middle ground for single keyword ad groups (SKAGs)

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Don't let unwanted automated ad extensions keep you up

Don't let unwanted automated ad extensions keep you up

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Five ways blockchain will impact search marketing

Five ways blockchain will impact search marketing

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Using IF functions on Google Ads to improve productivity

Using IF functions on Google Ads to improve productivity

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Kenshoo Trends Report - The state of search advertising in 2019

Kenshoo Trends Report - The state of search advertising in 2019

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Tips to lower brand CPC for greater profitability

Tips to lower brand CPC for greater profitability

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How to optimize paid search ads for phone calls

How to optimize paid search ads for phone calls

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How to find a PPC management solution for your business

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Semantic search for Google Ads: What it is and why it matters

Semantic search for Google Ads: What it is and why it matters

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Marketing automation for search: Five time-saving strategies

Marketing automation for search: Five time-saving strategies

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Facebook dynamic ads: A beginner's guide

Facebook dynamic ads: A beginner's guide

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Drive customer retention with Google Dynamic Remarketing

Drive customer retention with Google Dynamic Remarketing

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Six tips for B2B paid search success

Six tips for B2B paid search success

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Top trends to increase value for paid search spend

Top trends to increase value for paid search spend

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Amazon Advertising + Prime Pantry: What’s the deal for paid search?  

Amazon Advertising + Prime Pantry: What’s the deal for paid search?  

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Google Ads 2019: What to look out for

Google Ads 2019: What to look out for

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How Google Ads is fighting click fraud

How Google Ads is fighting click fraud

5y Mike Ncube
Facebook is a local search engine. Are you treating it like one?

Facebook is a local search engine. Are you treating it like one?

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Tips to maximize ROI on paid social: Facebook + Instagram

Tips to maximize ROI on paid social: Facebook + Instagram

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How to automate yourself to success in PPC

How to automate yourself to success in PPC

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Top skills for PPC, Paid Search, and SEM Specialists in 2019

Top skills for PPC, Paid Search, and SEM Specialists in 2019

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