Christopher Ratcliff

Christopher Ratcliff is the Editor in Chief of Methods Unsound, and former Editor of SEW and Deputy Editor of Econsultancy. You may hound him on Twitter @Christophe_Rock especially if it's beer/donut/record-voucher related.

What is an exact match domain (EMD) and how can you safely use one?

What is an exact match domain (EMD) and how can you safely use one?

8y Christopher Ratcliff
Happy Thanksgiving from the Search Engine Watch & ClickZ team

Happy Thanksgiving from the Search Engine Watch & ClickZ team

8y Christopher Ratcliff
Google adds real-time data to its Popular Times tool in Search and Maps

Google adds real-time data to its Popular Times tool in Search and Maps

8y Christopher Ratcliff
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daily news and insights about search engine marketing, SEO and paid search.
Google releases new AdWords improvements and stats ahead of Black Friday

Google releases new AdWords improvements and stats ahead of Black Friday

8y Christopher Ratcliff
Guide to 301 redirects and canonical tags

Guide to 301 redirects and canonical tags

8y Christopher Ratcliff
This is how Google will present the results of the 2016 US election…

This is how Google will present the results of the 2016 US election…

8y Christopher Ratcliff
Guide to Google ranking factors – Part 10: backlinks

Guide to Google ranking factors – Part 10: backlinks

8y Christopher Ratcliff
10 most shared Christmas ads of all time, shockingly not *too* dominated by John Lewis

10 most shared Christmas ads of all time, shockingly not *too* dominated by...

8y Christopher Ratcliff
Guide to Google ranking factors – Part 9: outbound links

Guide to Google ranking factors – Part 9: outbound links

8y Christopher Ratcliff
Worldwide mobile internet use surpasses desktop for the first time ever

Worldwide mobile internet use surpasses desktop for the first time ever

8y Christopher Ratcliff
Paid search click-through rates have risen 38%

Paid search click-through rates have risen 38%

8y Christopher Ratcliff
Guide to Google ranking factors – Part 8: internal links

Guide to Google ranking factors – Part 8: internal links

8y Christopher Ratcliff
SEO best practice guide for URLs

SEO best practice guide for URLs

8y Christopher Ratcliff
Technical SEO checklist: a webmaster’s guide to on-page optimisation

Technical SEO checklist: a webmaster’s guide to on-page optimisation

8y Christopher Ratcliff
Guide to Google ranking factors – Part 7: Site-level signals

Guide to Google ranking factors – Part 7: Site-level signals

8y Christopher Ratcliff
Google Search Index set to go ‘mobile-first’ within months

Google Search Index set to go ‘mobile-first’ within months

8y Christopher Ratcliff
Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP): one year on - stats and infographic

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP): one year on - stats and infographic

8y Christopher Ratcliff
Guide to Black Hat SEO: which practices will earn you a manual penalty?

Guide to Black Hat SEO: which practices will earn you a manual penalty?

8y Christopher Ratcliff
Guide to Google ranking factors – Part 6: Trust, Authority and Expertise

Guide to Google ranking factors – Part 6: Trust, Authority and Expertise

8y Christopher Ratcliff
Complete guide to meta tags in SEO

Complete guide to meta tags in SEO

8y Christopher Ratcliff
Three fascinating talks from ClickZ Live: San Francisco [Video]

Three fascinating talks from ClickZ Live: San Francisco [Video]

8y Christopher Ratcliff
Guide to Google ranking factors – Part 5: duplicate content and syndication

Guide to Google ranking factors – Part 5: duplicate content and syndication

8y Christopher Ratcliff
Six most important search marketing news stories of the week

Six most important search marketing news stories of the week

8y Christopher Ratcliff
Penguin 4.0: what does it mean for SEO practitioners?

Penguin 4.0: what does it mean for SEO practitioners?

8y Christopher Ratcliff
Guide to Google ranking factors – Part 4: content freshness

Guide to Google ranking factors – Part 4: content freshness

8y Christopher Ratcliff
Penguin 4.0 is finally here, Google confirms

Penguin 4.0 is finally here, Google confirms

8y Christopher Ratcliff
12 companies hit with a Google manual penalty

12 companies hit with a Google manual penalty

8y Christopher Ratcliff
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