IndustryGoogle Still Shows Max Mosley S&M Party Pictures, So He Sues Again

Google Still Shows Max Mosley S&M Party Pictures, So He Sues Again

The former Formula One president is suing Google because its search results still include images of him from an infamous sex orgy that included multiple prostitutes. Google says it has already removed "hundreds of URLs".

my-nazi-orgy-with-f1-bossMax Mosley is no stranger to headline news. In 2013 he won a ruling against Google for including images in search results that showed the former Formula One president at an S&M party with multiple prostitutes in 2008.

Now Mosley is suing Google because they are still publishing images with him at the infamous sex orgy, BBC News reported.

Mosley is requesting that Google block any images of him participating in the “harmless, consensual and private” S&M party, as Mosley described it. These photos originally appeared in News of the World, which has since gone out of business.

News of the World secretly filmed Mosley engaging in illicit sex with five prostitutes. Initially, it was reported the party was Nazi-themed, but courts ruled that there was no proof of this, and that his privacy had been violated.

There have been numerous attempts to resolve the issue with Google outside of the court system. When asked about the case, Mosley said:

Adherence to the rule of law is essential to any society. This must include compliance with the decisions of the courts.

As the gateway to the Internet Google makes enormous profits and has great influence, so I have not taken this action lightly.

But Google should operate within the law rather than according to rules it makes itself. It cannot be allowed to ignore judgments in our courts.

However, it sounds like Google has done their due diligence to remove the images as ordered. When asked, a Google spokesperson said: “We have worked with Mr. Mosley to address his concerns and taken down hundreds of URLs [web pages] about which he has notified us.”

While there is no direct link between Mosley’s case and the recent “Right to Be Forgotten” cases popping up everywhere in Europe, there are some undeniable similarities.


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