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STEM Education News

July 19, 2024

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Synthetic biology combines principles from science, engineering and social science, creating emerging technologies such as alternative meats and mRNA vaccines; Deconstructing synthetic biology across scales gives rise to new approach to uniting ...
Conversational agents (CAs) such as Alexa and Siri are designed to answer questions, offer suggestions -- and even display empathy. However, new research finds they do poorly compared to humans when interpreting and exploring a user's ...
Sure, ChatGPT can write a poem about your pet in the style of T.S Eliot, but generative artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots have a potentially more useful role to play in idea generation according ...
As the centennial of the Scopes Monkey Trial of 1925 approaches, a new study illustrates that the attitudes of Americans in Generation X toward evolution shifted as they ...

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updated 11:16pm EDT

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New findings challenge the idea that academically selective schools are necessary for clever pupils to achieve good ...

In low- and middle-income countries, anemia reduction efforts are often touted as a way to improve educational outcomes and reduce poverty. A new study evaluates the relationship between anemia and ...

A computer game helped upper secondary school students become better at distinguishing between reliable and misleading ...

Though life goals change over time, a study of teen goals indicates that goals of education and high prestige can drive ...

Observers of Japanese early childhood education and care have pointed to the mindset of educators watching over and waiting on preschoolers as being an intriguing tendency. This mimamoru approach has ...

Managing problematic student behavior is one of the most persistent, challenging, and controversial issues facing schools today. Yet despite best intentions to build a more inclusive and ...

Three peer-reviewed journals have recently published research papers by Penn State's Hammel Family Human Rights Initiative. The papers illustrate how the initiative's programs help K-12 ...

Asthma is more common among high school students who use cannabis, relative to those who do not and the prevalence of asthma increases with the frequency of its use among the students, according to a ...

A recent study found significant variations in career interests between men and women. Surprisingly, even with these interest differences, gender gaps in career opportunities are more substantial ...

Researchers have developed a weeklong high school curriculum that helps students quickly grasp concepts in both color chemistry and artificial intelligence -- while sparking their curiosity about ...

Children must be taught more about the importance of plants if education about climate change and sustainability is to be effective, experts have ...

Addressing the shortage of women in STEM fields such as computer science is not enough to close the gender gap: Treating women more like men, especially on pay day, is more important than ...

Young people who are in higher education in England face a small increased risk of depression and anxiety, compared to their peers who are not attending higher education, finds a new ...

A new study looks at how college students react to being accused of using ChatGPT to cheat on ...

Poor time management skills, particularly in organization, can lead to poor sleep quality for college ...

As teacher shortages continue to worsen across the United States, a new study gives insight into why so many stressed and burnt-out teachers are leaving the profession. The study found teachers who ...

People around the globe are so dependent on the internet to exercise socio-economic human rights such as education, healthcare, work, and housing that online access must now be considered a basic ...

The first global study to investigate how gender equality may be associated with life expectancy has found that both women and men live longer as it ...

Research has identified key characteristics and practices of expert ...

According to an international team of educators, active learning methods, such as problem-based learning, project-based learning, and challenge-based learning are necessary to provide engineering ...

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