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July 19, 2024

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Researchers call for strengthening existing planetary protection policies beyond the space surrounding Earth to include requirements for preserving the Lunar and Martian ...
Concierge services built on artificial intelligence have the potential to improve how hotels and other service businesses interact with customers, a new paper ...
Genetics can be associated with one's behavior and health -- from the willingness to take risks, and how long one stays in school, to chances of developing Alzheimer's disease and breast cancer. ...
Researchers used AI to scour information from websites and social media to map bat hunting and trade. Research found evidence of bat exploitation in 22 countries that had not previously been ...

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updated 11:16pm EDT

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Many managers are currently seeking a balance between digital and face-to-face communication. A recent study shows that top IT industry managers have different views on when and for what purposes ...

Changing weather patterns induced by climate change are contributing to shifts in the location of terrorist activity, according to new ...

Non-English speaking internet users share the same concern about cyber threats and the same desire for online safety as any other individual. However, they are constrained by a lack of culturally and ...

A new study found that employed adults with greater job flexibility and higher job security were less likely to experience serious psychological distress or anxiety. Greater job flexibility and ...

Researchers have called for a more considered approach when embedding ethical principles in the development and governance of AI for ...

New research shows how some workplace gossip could reduce the likelihood of employee turnover and, as a result, potentially boost an organization's ...

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and algorithms can and are being used to radicalize, polarize, and spread racism and political instability, says an academic. An expert argues that AI and algorithms are ...

Monitoring whether states are complying with disarmament treaties is not an easy task. An international team has been exploring remote monitoring with the help of two antennas and a couple of ...

The privacy policies and practices of online games contain dark design patterns which could be deceptive, misleading, or coercive to users, according to a new ...

Governments and companies emphasize the importance of protecting themselves from disruptions. Yet, they hesitate to share data with each other. But why should they embrace the idea of building a ...

In our increasingly polarized society, more people may find themselves in a workplace where they are one of the few conservatives or few liberals around. A new study found that those whose values -- ...

Allowing eyewitnesses to dynamically explore digital faces using a new interactive procedure can significantly improve identification accuracy compared to the video lineup and photo array procedures ...

People without a secure job contract can likely reduce their risk of premature death by 20 per cent if they gain permanent employment, a study ...

Legal restrictions placed on the amount of time young people in China can play video games may be less effective than originally thought, a new study has ...

The latest weapon in the war on robocalls is an automated system that analyzes the content of unsolicited bulk calls to shed light on both the scope of the problem and the type of scams being ...

Wearable technology presents immense opportunities to improve the way we live our lives, but a group of international researchers say the rapidly developing field also brings big ...

The White House has announced plans to roll out voluntary labeling for internet-connected devices like thermostats and baby monitors that meet certain cybersecurity standards. A new survey of U.S. ...

A population genetics team recently identified the genetic relationship between over 40,000 23andMe users and a population of enslaved and free African Americans that lived in Catoctin Furnace, ...

In response to major advances in Generative AI technologies -- as well as the significant questions these technologies pose in areas including intellectual property, the future of work, and even ...

People around the globe are so dependent on the internet to exercise socio-economic human rights such as education, healthcare, work, and housing that online access must now be considered a basic ...

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