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Blog Posts, Career Growth & Advice, Company Culture, Leadership, Q&A, Sales

Dear SaaStr: Can a CEO be Late To Almost Everything?

Dear SaaStr: Can a CEO be Late To Almost Everything? As CEO, I was basically never late. This year, for the, every year we have perhaps ~150 top CEOs speak. Some of the very best in SaaS. CEOs of Atlassian, Box, Slack, Blackline, Qualtrics, The Trade Desk, Coupa, Algolia, MongoDB, Monday, Trello, Guidewire, and…
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Blog Posts, Exit, Exit Strategy, Fundraising, Leadership, Q&A

Dear SaaStr: If You Want to Buy Shares from a Founder That Has Left the Company, What Price Do You Use?

Dear SaaStr: If you have old founders who left the company and kept their shares, on what valuation you buy their shares? Generally speaking, there are two paradigms: Buy them out at Common Stock price (which is what they in fact own), based on the lastest option pricing / 409a valuation; or Buty them out…
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Blog Posts, Growth, Q&A, Sales, Sales

Yes, Referral Programs Work for SaaS. But You Gotta Put in the Work. And The Time.

Dear SaaStr: Do Referral Programs Work for SaaS? Well, for sure. But … it almost always takes longer than you think than direct sales: Salesforce announced a little ways back that its partners were the #1 source of its new bookings. 40% of HubSpot’s and Shopify’s and Gorgias’ customers come from agencies and other partners…
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Blog Posts, Career Growth & Advice, Early, Leadership, Q&A

Dear SaaStr: Is it Wise for Someone at 40+ to Think of Quitting Their Job and Becoming an Entrepreneur?

Dear SaaStr: Is it Wise for Someone at 40+ to Think of Quitting Their Job and Becoming an Entrepreneur? Age doesn’t matter — per se. You’re not “too old” to do a start-up until you think you are and feel you are. And in B2B SaaS, the domain expertise and experience that come with more…
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Blog Posts, Career Growth & Advice, Early, Exit Strategy, Leadership, Q&A

Dear SaaStr: Can I Position My Startup To Be Acquired By The Likes of Google, Salesforce, Adobe, etc.?

Dear SaaStr: Can I Position My Startup To Be Acquired By The Likes of Google, Salesforce, Adobe, etc.? No. But … Sort of. What I’ve learned being on both sides of acquisitions, and being a 2x acquired founder — is: There is a List. There’s an informal CEO list of “jewels” the CEO would like…
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Blog Posts, Q&A, Scale

Dear SaaStr: Can a SaaS Company Get to 50% Profit Margins?

Dear SaaStr: Can a SaaS Company Get to 50% Profit Margins? It’s possible, though it does require a very efficient model. The biggest, most mature software leaders aren’t quite there — but they are close. Adobe is currently at 45% non-GAAP operating margins: Microsoft, also mature and at scale, is also at 45% operating margins:…
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Blog Posts, Career Growth & Advice, Early, Leadership, Metrics, Q&A

Dear SaaStr: Is It Normal for a Startup to Not Disclose Burn Rate and Other Details to its Employees?

Dear SaaStr: Is It Normal for a Startup to Not Disclose Burn Rate and Other Details to its Employees? It really varies, but in my ecosystem, I’ve seen more transparency over the years, which is good. Transparency builds trust: I’m 100.00% in favor of transparency in general. And specifically, I believe employees should generally know…
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Blog Posts, Career Growth & Advice, Exit, Exit Strategy, Leadership, Q&A

5 Tips On How to Handle Acquisition Talks

Dear SaaStr: What should I know about getting acquired? My top 5 tips: #1. Listen more. Talk less (on the target side). It’s very difficult to invent an acquisition. It’s almost impossible to create one, though it happens sometimes. Listen and learn. Understand what everyone’s motivations are. Why your champion is doing the deal. People…
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Blog Posts, Exit, Exit Strategy, Fundraising, Leadership, Q&A

Dear SaaStr: Do Shares Get “Forward Vested in an Acquisition?

Dear SaaStr: Do Shares Get “Forward Vested in an Acquisition? Stock vesting is accelerated very rarely in an acquistion. In 95%+ of cases, the acquirer wants folks to keep vesting just as before — or more so. Even where the option agreements or bylaws or other legal documents require it, acquirers often require those agreements…
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Blog Posts, Company Culture, Early, Metrics, Q&A, Sales, Sales

Dear SaaStr: How Do I Manage a Salesperson Who Does Not Follow Up on Sales Opportunities?

Dear SaaStr: How Do I Manage a Salesperson Who Does Not Follow Up on Sales Opportunities? The simple process you need to add is an “SLA”. You need to take away leads, and also opportunities, if they are not followed up with in a prompt fashion. This is fairly easy to implement in Salesforce (or…
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Blog Posts, Growth, Q&A

Dear SaaStr: Has Salesforce Overpaid for its Acquisitions, Including the $27.7 Billion Acquisition of Slack?

Dear SaaStr: Has Salesforce Overpaid for its Acquisitions, Including the $27.7 Billion Acquisition of Slack? Possibly, but it probably doesn’t matter all that much. Why? It needed them. It needed its top acquisitions to keep growing. They worked: Mulesoft, Tableau, Slack, ExactTarget, etc have all become core businesses that are necessary for Salesforce to grow….
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