Renault Group

Annual General Meeting

The 2024 Annual General Meeting was held on Thursday, May 16, 2024


Relive the 2024 Annuel general meeting on video


General Meeting from previous years


Participate in the general meeting

Prior conditions

As a Renault Group shareholder, you are entitled to participate in the Company’s General Meeting, regardless of how many shares you own or how they are held (registered shares, bearer shares or units in the FCPE mutual funds).

In order to participate in the General Meeting every shareholder must prove the ownership of his/her shares, by the second business day prior to the General Meeting date i.e Tuesday May 14, 2024 before midnight (Paris time).

Conditions to participate in the General Meeting

1 - Attend the General Meeting in person

Holders of registered shares will automatically receive their General Meeting brochure by post or by email (for more details on e-convocation, see below).

Holders of bearer shares or of units in the FCPE mutual funds may download the General Meeting brochure from the above “Preparatory documents” section. Holders of bearer shares may also request the General Meeting notice to their financial intermediary starting April 10, 2024.

Shareholders who have already voted by post or Internet, sent a proxy form or requested their admission card or a shareholding certificate:

  • may not use another method to participate in the General Meeting. Shareholders who have already submitted their vote via the Internet or by using the proxy form will not be entitled to vote on the day of the General Meeting but will be authorized to attend the General Meeting.
  • may dispose all or part of their shares. However, if the sale takes place before midnight (Paris time) on Tuesday May 14, 2024, the Company shall invalid or change, as appropriate, the vote by post or via the Internet, the proxy, the admission card or the shareholding certificate.

You can find the conditions to participate in the General Meeting in the Notice of Meeting published in the French “Bulletin des Annonces Légales Obligatoires” BALO (French gazette of compulsory legal announcements) on April 10, 2024, as published in the above “Preparatory documents” section. These conditions and formalities are also detailed in the Notice of Meeting published on this page.

2 - Participate in the General Meeting via the Internet

VOTACCESS offers you the same options as the paper voting form. Since you hold at least one Renault share, you can:

  • request an admission card to attend the General Meeting in person. In this case, you can directly download your admission card. The e-card can be downloaded and printed until the date of the General Meeting. You will be required to present it during registration.
  • vote via the Internet;
  • give a proxy to the Chairman of the General Meeting;
  • give a proxy to any other person of your choice;
  • access the documents related to the General Meeting.

3 - Participate in the general meeting by post

Shareholders wishing to vote by post or give a proxy to the Chairman of the General Meeting or to any other person using the paper voting form must:

  • For (fully or administered) registered shareholders or FCPE unit holders: complete the form attached to the Notice of meeting, then return it signed using the T envelope attached to the notice folder or by post to the following address: Uptevia - Assemblées Générales – 90-110 Esplanade du Général De Gaulle – 92931 Paris La Défense Cédex.
  • For bearer shareholders: request the voting form, from the date of the convening to the Meeting, to the intermediary who manages their securities account. The latter will then be responsible for transmitting the duly completed form accompanied by a certificate of participation to Uptevia. The voting form of a bearer shareholder will only be processed if it is accompanied by a certificate of participation.


Convening notice by electronic means (e-notice)

How to opt for the e-notice?
If you are the holder of fully registered or administered registered shares

1)  Connect to Planetshares at

2)  Enter your details as follows:

For holders of fully registered shares: use your usual login and password.

For holders of administered registered shares: use the login shown on the top right-hand corner of the paper voting form attached to this notice of meeting. If you do not have your password, you can request it by clicking on: “I forgot my password”, or “I haven’t received my password”.

3)  Then go to “My profile” and click “My e-services”.

4)  Enter or confirm your email address.

If you are the holder of units in the FCPE mutual funds

1)  Connect to your unit manager’s web‑site.

2)  Enter the login details shown on your annual account statement.

3)  Enter your email address under “My data”, “Personal details”, by clicking on “Change” or “add my email address”, and “save”.

If you are both an FCPE unit-holder and a registered shareholder:

You must opt for e-convocation separately by successively following the two procedures described above. You will also receive separate e-convocations for each of your holdings.

Please note that holders of bearer shares are not individually convened and cannot opt for the e-notice. If you are holder of bearer shares, please contact your financial intermediary to access the documentation of the General Meeting or download it on the “Preparatory documents” section of this page.  


Contact us

Information related to the General Meeting*:

Please contact the hotline dedicated to the Renault General Meeting from Monday to Friday 8:45 am to 6:00 pm :
From France at 0 800 109 119 (toll-free number and free services),
From other countries at +33 (0)1 40 14 89 25 (national calling rates).
Or go to the Planetshares website:
Renault's employees or retired personnel :


*For any other questions, please send an email at the following address :