Wikipedia is a Game

This presentation was delivered at Wikimania 2014, the annual conference for those involved with Wikimedia (which includes Wikipedia, the encyclopedia).

Here are the slides:

Video of the talk is available here:

Slides can be downloaded in PDF format: Wikipedia is a game (PDF)

In addition, I also participated in a roundtable discussion on virtual communities there:

  4 Responses to “Wikipedia is a Game”

  1. Interesting how Wikipedia, and open source in general, have fallen victims of the same old pattern of any revolution, that is, revolution eats its own babies and only mediocre souls survive to run the show afterwards. Your “gamification” advice might help, who knows!

  2. […] slides d’accompagnement sont disponibles ici et l’ensemble sur le site de (où la vidéo est intégrée, ce qui est […]

  3. […] for those who started editing in the project’s early years. At last year’s Wikimania, game designer Raph Koster suggested (only half-joking) an occasional “forest fire” of content deletion, in order to create […]

  4. […] A Theory of Fun for Game Design – A Theory of Fun for Game Design Home Graphic Design ebook Theory of Fun for Game Design Raph Koster […]