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Tuition and fees, 2024-2025 academic year

Tuition on the Qatar campus is the same as the Pittsburgh campus in the United States. In Qatar, there are many different types of financial assistance to help pay for the cost of a Carnegie Mellon education. Merit-based scholarships and need-based grants are available to students of all nationalities. Additionally, Qatari citizens have access to government scholarships and corporate sponsorships.

First-year students entering Fall 20241

Tuition USD 64,596 QAR 235,775
First-year Experience fee USD 610 QAR 2,227
Student Activities fee USD 308 QAR 1,124
Technology fee USD 470 QAR 1,716
Transportation Fee USD 262 QAR 956
Books USD 300 QAR 1,095
Health insurance2 USD 820 QAR 2,993
Total tuition and fees3 USD 67,366 QAR 245,886

1CMU-Q utilizes a fixed exchange rate of QAR 3.65 = 1 USD for Tuition and Fees.
2Health Insurance is subject to change following negotiations with the provider.
3The Enrollment deposit is a non-refundable fee of USD 1,000 credited towards CMU-Q Tuition and Fees.

Additional cost for students living on campus4:

Financial Aid

Five types of financial aid are available, depending on the student’s nationality, financial need and academic merit.

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Qatar Foundation need-based grant program for students of all nationalities

Qatar Foundation provides a world-class financial aid program for admitted students to Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar. The QF need-based grant program for CMU Qatar provides grant aid to students of all nationalities through the financial generosity of Qatar Foundation. Grants (aid with no repayment) of up to the full cost of attendance are made to families based on their unique financial circumstances.

The QF need-based grant program provides an outstanding opportunity for all students to receive funding for their studies at CMU-Q.

Learn more about the QF grant application and process.

Begin your Qatar Foundation need-based grant application.

  • For Early Decision, the need-based grant application deadline is November 17.
  • For Regular Decision, the priority deadline for the grant application is February 1.

Qatar Foundation Merit Scholarship program

Qatar Foundation’s Merit Scholarship program awards a limited number of merit scholarships annually to students who have spent at least two semesters in one of the Education City’s branch campuses. Students who have achieved a 3.6 GPA or above during their studies in Education City are eligible to apply for the scholarship.

Selection is not guaranteed as the number of available scholarships changes each year. For details regarding the application cycle and requirements, please visit the Qatar Foundation Scholarship Office website.

Need-based financial aid for U.S. citizens

Please note that U.S. citizens, and some non-citizens (ex. green card holders) are eligible for Federal Financial Aid (FAFSA) to support your studies at Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar. There are different types of funding within FAFSA, including grants (no repayment) and loans. Learn more about FAFSA eligibility requirements.

We would advise all U.S. citizens to apply for FAFSA. Learn more through the CMU Student Financial Services web page.

If you are applying for need-based grants through the CMU-Q QF grant program, please understand that all US citizens will be required to apply for FAFSA aid before CMU-Q will release the Final Award Letter. This is required to avoid students receiving more need based aid than they would be appropriately eligible for. Eligible FAFSA aid will be included into the Final Award Letter amount from CMU-Q.

Academic merit scholarships

A limited number of merit scholarships are awarded annually by CMU-Q (with funding from Qatar Foundation) to the most academically promising applicants. These awards can be combined with need-based grants from the QF grant program. To be considered for merit scholarships, students should submit the QF grant application. Students are notified of any merit scholarship awards at the same time they receive their initial Financial Award Letter from CMU-Q. Awards are made in a similar manner to our admission decisions with a holistic process involving many factors.

Qatari and GCC citizens

For Qatari citizens and citizens of other GCC countries, government scholarships and/or company sponsorships typically cover the full cost of attendance. Qatari nationals should contact the Scholarship Office of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MOE&HE).

What will your day look like at CMU-Q?

What will your day at CMU-Q look like?

On campus housing

On Campus Housing


Contact the Office of Admission