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The Global Threat of Rogue Diplomacy

Honorary consuls are meant to foster ties between countries. But criminals and others accused of exploiting the position have infiltrated their ranks.

Unlivable Oasis

A family’s housing struggle on the front lines of the climate crisis

How a Billionaire Team Owner Pays a Lower Tax Rate Than LeBron James — and the Stadium Workers, Too

Pro sports teams pretty much always increase in value. But our tax laws allow the owners to claim that their teams’ assets lose value, lowering their tax bills through amortization. The government misses out on billions in revenue. Here’s how.

How the .001% Use Retirement Accounts as Tax-Free Piggy Banks

A retirement account designed for the middle class is being exploited as a giant tax shelter — legally — by some of the wealthiest Americans. Billionaire tech mogul Peter Thiel, a Paypal co-founder, has grown his Roth IRA to more than $5 billion.

Buy, Borrow, Die: How America’s Ultrawealthy Stay That Way

Some of the wealthiest Americans use a strategy called Buy, Borrow, Die to dramatically reduce their tax bills while their fortunes continue to grow. This video is part of ProPublica’s series, “The Secret IRS Files” which reveals, using a trove of never-before-seen records, how the wealthiest avoid income tax.

Sound of Judgement

A frustrated Black Lives Matter activist. A die-hard Confederate loyalist. A sheriff who won’t back down. In a small Town, a battle for racial justice confronts a bloody past and an uncertain future. In a place where protests are restricted and violence feels imminent, many cry: “We don’t want to die no more.”

This documentary is a The News & Observer/ProPublica production. The News & Observer is a member of the ProPublica Local Reporting Network.

Black Men Have the Shortest Lifespans of Any Americans. This Theory Explains Why.

The unrelenting stress of fighting systemic racism can alter a body’s normal functioning until it starts to wear down. The theory, known as John Henryism, helps explain racial health disparities.

How the Climate Crisis Will Force A Massive American Migration

The climate crisis will profoundly interrupt the way we live and farm in the United States. Extreme heat, massive floods and more fires may force millions of people to move — and millions may be left behind.

Deadly Restraint: How a Man in Psychiatric Crisis Died in Custody

Video shows that deputies used violent force against Phillip Garcia and lied about their treatment of him in reports.

Why You Can’t Always Trust Your Coronavirus Antibody Test Results

In some situations, antibody tests generate more false positives than real ones. It’s because of math.

Rescuing Her Father From an Assisted Living Facility in the Coronavirus Epicenter

The home’s administrator assured her that her 82-year-old father was safe, she said. Then she found out the coronavirus was tearing through the facility — and her dad had caught it.

Seattle Allowed 33,000 Fans to Attend a Soccer Game as COVID-19 Cases Increased

Hundreds of pages of emails show officials debating how seriously to take the spreading virus.

Why This Coronavirus Is Not Like the Flu, or Even the Swine Flu

COVID-19 is unlike anything in our lifetime. But the president has repeatedly compared it to the H1N1 swine flu outbreak of 2009. Here's why it's different, and much more dangerous.

Inside an Immigration Detention Facility as the Coronavirus Spreads

At an ICE detention facility in New Jersey, detainees are on a hunger strike to try to obtain soap and toilet paper in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.

How Quickly Hospitals Could Fill Up if We Don’t Slow Coronavirus Down

How soon regions run out of hospital beds depends on how fast the novel coronavirus spreads, and how many open beds they had to begin with.

Watch: Test Videos Reveal How Evenflo Put Children at Risk

There’s no government oversight of side-impact tests, so Evenflo made up its own and gave itself passing grades.

Adrift: How the Marine Corps Failed Squadron 242

Falling from 15,000 feet, two Marines hit the Pacific Ocean at 800 feet per minute. They were bruised and cold, their rescue equipment failed and help was hours away.

New Video Shows Border Patrol Account of Child’s Death Was Not True

Video obtained by ProPublica shows the Border Patrol held a sick teen in a concrete cell without proper medical attention and did not discover his body until his cellmate alerted guards. The video doesn’t match the Border Patrol's account of his death.

How We Identified the Frat Brothers Holding Guns in Front of an Emmett Till Memorial

We searched through property records, tips from Instagram users, and dozens of Instagram and Facebook photos and videos to figure out their names.

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