Nicholas Kusnetz

Reporting Fellow

Nicholas Kusnetz was a reporting fellow at ProPublica. He has written for The Nation, Miller-McCune, The New York Times and other publications. He is a graduate of UC Berkeleyâs Graduate School of Journalism.

North Dakota’s Oil Boom Brings Damage Along With Prosperity

Booming oil production has brought a flood of toxic waste to North Dakota. Energy companies reported more than 1,000 releases of oil and wastewater last year alone.

North Dakota Spills

With the help of hydraulic fracturing, energy companies have doubled North Dakota's oil production in the past two years. But the oil boom has come at a cost: these companies are spilling and leaking oil and wastewater at an increasing rate.

Oh, Canada's Become a Home for Record Fracking

While furious debate over fracking rages in the U.S., the controversial practice has been embraced across the border. British Columbia and Alberta have offered incentives and loosened regulations to attract drilling. The result: record fracking operations and rising concerns about the environmental cost.

Feds Link Water Contamination to Fracking for the First Time

The EPA’s investigation into water pollution near Pavillion, Wyo., produces landmark findings that could erode arguments used to defend safety of the gas drilling process.

Energy Dept. Panel Warns of Environmental Toll of Current Gas Drilling Practices

A report from a federal panel on shale gas said that without urgent action to improve drilling practices, regulators and the energy industry risk a public backlash that could slow development.

EPA Plans to Issue Rules Covering Fracking Wastewater

The federal government had left it to states to decide how to regulate wastewater that was discharged from wells to streams, but now says it will develop national standards.

Underground Industry: Gas Pipelines Are Big Business But Lightly Regulated

As natural gas pipelines proliferate, a loose web of federal and state rules govern a network of more than 2 million miles.

Doctors Ask New York to Study Health Impacts Before Allowing Fracking

Medical professionals and environmentalists sent a letter to Gov. Andrew Cuomo saying the state should study the health effects of gas drilling before allowing more of it.

Pennsylvania Governor Proposes Fee on Gas Drillers

Pennsylvania is the only major oil-and-gas-producing state without a drilling tax. The state’s governor has promised not to raise taxes so he’s proposing a fee instead, angering environmentalists.

Science Lags as Health Problems Emerge Near Gas Fields

People who live close to natural gas drilling in four states complain of similar health symptoms, ranging from respiratory infections to lesions and neurological problems, but there is little science or study to get at the cause of their ailments.

Who Are America’s Top 10 Gas Drillers?

Though the industry sometimes touts natural gas drilling as dominated by small businesses, the 10 largest drillers account for one-third of all domestic production.

FAQ: Key Questions on Libya’s Coming Transition

We're laying out important questions about what's happening in Libya, and we want you to play a part.

Report for Obama Questions Effectiveness of Gas Drilling Regulations

An Energy Department panel said there are serious environmental consequences of drilling for gas in deep shale formations. Without action, the panel said, those problems will worsen.

Feds Say Major New York Gas Pipeline Poses Safety Risk

A recent inspection of a natural gas pipeline stretching across New York found that sections may have been installed without proper evaluation. Without changes, the pipeline could be at risk of rupturing.

EPA Proposes New Rules on Emissions Released by Fracking

New federal regulations would require companies to reduce the amount of smog-forming and toxic pollutants emitted in many stages of the production, transmission and storage of natural gas.

State Fracking Rules Could Allow Drilling Near New York City Water Supply Tunnels

City officials had advocated for a seven-mile buffer. Instead, the state is proposing to allow drilling within 1,000 feet of tunnels that carry water to New York City.

Lawsuits Predicted as New York Towns Ponder Whether to Block Fracking

Drilling is still months away, but talk has already begun about legal challenges from energy companies and landowners in the areas where hydraulic fracturing would be prohibited.

Oil and Gas Drilling Surges Despite Increased Oversight

The pace of domestic oil and gas drilling is nearing the 20-year high reached before the recession. The growth undermines claims that increased regulation slows drilling.

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