
New York State Subsidy Programs

As part of our research into 12 of New York State's major subsidy programs, ProPublica, Investigative Post and the Columbia University Graduate School requested information from several state agencies under Freedom of Information Law requests.

The agencies include Empire State Development, the state’s economic development arm, which provided data on seven programs: Commercial Tax Credits, Film Tax Credits, the Economic Development Fund, JOBSNow, Regional Economic Development Councils, StartUp New York and Excelsior; the New York Power Authority, which provided two additional subsidy programs; and the state’s Taxation and Finance Department, which provided data on the Brownfield Cleanup Program. This download includes the raw data as provided by the agencies. In some cases, it contains additional information about these programs that was not included in our online database.

You can read more about how we used this data in the methodology.


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Part of these collections:

States, Tax Subsidies, and New York

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