Advancing Responsible Information Management

2020 Average total cost of a data breach: $3.86 million     Cost of a Data Breach Report 2020
280 Days - Average time to identify and contain a data breach    Cost of a Data Breach 2020
52% of data breaches caused by malicious attacks    Cost of a Data Breach Report 2020
2020 Average total cost of a data breach in the United States: $8.64 million     Cost of a Data Breach Report 2020
68% of respondents say they have become more concerned about the privacy and security of their personal information in the past three years    Privacy and Security in a Digital World
86 percent of respondents say they are very concerned when using Facebook and Google    Privacy and Security in a Digital World: A Study of Consumers in the United States
Companies value information assets slightly higher than they do PP&E    2020 Global Cyber Risk Transfer Comparison Report
Only an average of 15 percent of information assets are covered by insurance.    2020 AON Global Cyber Risk Transfer Comparison Report
Cyber liability and intellectual property risks rank in the top 10 of all business risks facing companies.     2020 AON Global Cyber Risk Transfer Comparison Report
59% of respondents say threat sharing improves the cyber resilience of their organizations.    The 2020 Global Study on the Cyber Resilient Organization
74 percent of respondents in high performing organizations vs. 58 percent of respondents in other organizations understand the importance of cyber resilience to achieving a strong cybersecurity posture    The 2020 Global Study on the Cyber Resilient Organization
68% of US companies permit employee-owned devices in the workplace
50% of respondents (an increase from 42 percent in 2019) say the SOC is highly effective    The State of SOC Effectiveness: Signs of Progress but More Work Needs to Be Done
60% of respondents say the stress of working in the SOC has caused them to consider changing careers or leaving their jobs    The State of SOC Effectiveness: Signs of Progress but More Work Needs to Be Done
73% of mobile users surveyed say they are addicted to their device
65% of organizations surveyed experienced a SQL injection attack in the last 12 months
The average cost of a full data center outage has increased 38 percent since 2010
66% of employees surveyed downloaded mobile apps without permission
Why We Are Unique

Measuring Trust In Privacy and Security

Ponemon Institute was founded in 2002 by Dr. Larry Ponemon. Headquartered in Michigan, Ponemon Institute is considered the pre-eminent research center dedicated to privacy, data protection and information security policy. Our annual consumer studies on privacy trust are widely quoted in the media and our research quantifying the cost of a data breach has become valuable to organizations seeking to understand the business impact of lost or stolen data. 

About Ponemon

Methodology & Deliverables

As a member of The Insights Association, Ponemon Institute upholds strict data confidentiality, privacy and ethical research standards. We do not collect any personally identifiable information from individuals or company identifiable information in our research. Further, we have strict quality standards to ensure that subjects are not asked extraneous, irrelevant or improper questions.

Our Research

Our research methods include a combination of secure Web, telephone and interviews. We also have expertise in creating and implementing benchmark and cost analysis studies. With research affiliates throughout the world, we are capable of executing research projects in the U.S and in more than 40 countries.

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