Web Applications

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the different types of web hosting and how to use them for your website or blog
Hire CodeIgniter Developers for Rapid PHP Development
Hire CodeIgniter developer from TOPS, a leading CodeIgniter development company that specializes in developing custom CodeIgniter web applications. Businesses around the world choose our CodeIgniter developers to create full-featured web applications. TOPS chooses CodeIgniter when working on a tight delivery schedule on a limited project scope. #HireCodeIgniterDeveloper #CodeIgniterDevelopmentCompany #CodeigniterDevelopmentServices
two people sitting at a desk with the words build your web application on a constant, maintainable & readable code
Build your Web Application on Consistent, Maintainable & Readable Codebase around MERN Stack
Empower your business through Highly Efficient, Dynamic and Secure Web Applications. TOPS Infosolutions is a trusted brand when it comes to Web Development in MERN Stack. #MERNStack #webdevelopment #webapplication #reactjs #nodejs #expressjs
two people holding up a piece of paper with the letter o on it and gear wheels in front of them
AngularJS to React Migration: Bridging the Gap between the “Old” and “New” World
Last month turned out quite an exciting one. I got to spend a day with our React development team. They were starting on a new project. It was AngularJS to React migration. I learned various practicalities on which projects are taken, learned the best practices, approaches to technology migration and how decisions are taken. But there is only so much you can learn about a project in a single day when the team is going to spend many coming months into development. #AngularJStoReactMigration
a person holding a cell phone in their hand with the text classic tales of jawcrity single page applications frontend development
ReactJS: Classic Tales of JavaScript, Front-end Development & SPAs
While many big names are using ReactJS, the JS library brings the real benefit to SMEs trying to transform web experience for their users. #ReactJS #ReactJSDevelopmentCompany #ReactDevelopers #HireReactDevelopers #FrontendDevelopment #SinglePageApplications #SPAs
an animated character is looking at another character in front of them with the word angular and react
Migrate Your App from AngularJS to ReactJS
Long-term support for AngularJS will conclude in mid-2021, which will expose your AngularJS application to security threats and zero-day vulnerabilities, limit its community, and deprive it from modern features. TOPS has the adequate resources to make the necessary measures to upgrade your AngularJS application to the latest version of React. TOPS has a dual approach to the entire process of application upgradation. #AngularJSapplicationtoReact #AngularJStoReact #MigrateAppAngularJStoReactJS
two images side by side with the same image in red and blue, one has an atomic symbol on it
AngularJS to React Migration: Upgrade Your Interiors!
End of support for AngularJS has left many businesses bewildered in absence of a clear upgrade path. Many are migrating to React. Why you should too? #AngularJS #AngularJSMigration #React #JavaScript #Webdevelopment
an animated character is looking at another character in front of them with the word angular and react
Which Technology is Better - AngularJS Or React Technology?
For many using an AngularJS application, ReactJS is the obvious choice. Let’s see what ReactJS brings to JavaScriptt table & how it's better than AngularJS. #Angular #angularjs #migration #React #reactjs
a circular diagram with the words men in different colors and symbols on each side of it
Hire MERN Stack Developer to Build Next Generation Applications
Build your web application on a consistent, predictable, maintainable and readable codebase around declarative React views, component-based architecture, virtual DOM and absolutely no templating. TOPS is a trusted brand when it comes to web development in MERN Stack. Our MERN stack developers are familiar with all frameworks of MERN and are flexible with working with the new technology stack. We Serve Diverse Industry verticals with Our MERN stack development services.
an image of a cell phone surrounded by emoticions and smiley faces on blue background
Why You Should Build Your Social Networking App in React?
Social networking app is known for entertaining many users at a time. Did I mention scalability? Let’s take a look at why you should choose React. #React #reactjs #HireReactDevelopers #ReactApplication #SocialNetworkingApp #webdevelopment #webapp #WebApplication
an open laptop computer sitting on top of a desk next to various icons and symbols
Server Side Rendering To Boost Performance and User Experience
Server Side Rendering is a luxury you can deliver in the form of a refined experience to users. Competition doesn’t allow for anything short of the best. #ServerSideRendering #React #Angular #webdevelopment #WebApplication
the logo for awa, which is designed to look like an abstract geometric shape
Benefits of Angular 7 for Development of Progressive Web Apps
Angular 7 brings many new features in addition to improving the existing one. It will make way for developers to build even efficient and better PWAs #angular7 #PWA #ProgressiveWebApps #AngularDevelopment #AngularJS #AngularDeveloper #javascript
the logo for node is surrounded by colorful hexagonal shapes and icons on a dark background
Things to Know While Building Web Apps with Node Js to Leverage Its Best
There are many benefits to Node.js over other backend technologies. Here are few use-cases of web applications where Node finds the most relevance at. #Nodejs #webapp #hire #nodejsdevelopers #realtimeapp #NodejsDevelopment #MEANStackDevelopment
the best node us frameworks
Best Node js Framework: What are the Top Node js Frameworks?
The possibility of writing backend code in JavaScript opened a whole new world to web developers. This led to many Node.js frameworks. #Nodejs #backend #mvc #APIPlatform #RealtimeAppDevelopment #webdevelopment #Express #KoaJS #SailsJS #MeteorJS #DerbyJS #SocketIO #StrongLoop #LoopBack #ActionheroJS #HapiJS #TotalJS
the world's most expensive cars infographicly displayed in different colors and sizes
Node.js 10.0 – Features, Performance Improvements & Changes
Node.js 10.0.0 is the seventh major release and the current LTS support branch of Node.js since October 2018. Node.js 10 comes packed with significant performance improvements through V8 v6.6 and new experimental features such the fs promise API and time traveling.
two hands holding a laptop with green icons above it
Why Should You Choose React JS for Front-End Development?
With more than 1,300 developers and over 94,000 sites utilizing ReactJS, it won’t be an overstatement to call React the future of front-end development. #React #ReactJS #FrontEnd #development #ReactFrontEndDevelopment #ReactDeveloper #FrontEndDevelopment #ReactJSDeveloper #ReactJSFrontEndDeveloper #ReactJSDeveloper