Tesla technology

Discover the groundbreaking advancements in Tesla technology and how it is revolutionizing the world of transportation. Experience the power and efficiency of electric vehicles and learn how Tesla is shaping the future of sustainable mobility.
Tesla Nikolai, Wardenclyffe Tower, Tesla Patents, Tesla Inventions, Uranus Planet, Tesla Technology, Zero Point Energy, Nicola Tesla, Nicolas Tesla

Support the video productions and research of Truthstream Media at Patreon. ~:~ Check out a previous post on Nikola Tesla and his unaspected Uranus, planet of Technology, electricity, lightening, innovation, eccentricity, uranium--and genius. Curiously, considering this new phase of Tesla Technology now being revived and utilized, a cosmic synchronicity has recently occurred when his natal Uranus @24Tau56 was conjoined and thus in a sense 'set in motion' by a New Moon @24Tau36 on May 15…

Greggory Guy