Termux commands

Unlock the full potential of your Android device with these essential Termux commands. Learn how to customize, automate, and secure your device with ease.
Best ngrok alternative is here for mobile AndroidLink updatedhttps://github.com/rajbhx/cloudflared-termuxUsagescloudflared -url [localhost]:port_number]example: cloudflared -url localhost:80cloudflared tunnel localhost:[port_number]InstallationMake sure your Termux app updated pkg update && pkg upgrade && pkg install gitgit clone https://github.com/rajbhx/cloudflared-termuxcd cloudflared-termuxchmod +x Cloudflared-termux_@rajbhx.shbash Cloudflared-termux_@rajbhx.sh Best Hacking Tools, Toxic Workplace, Password Cracking, Numbers To Call, Spy Tools, Counting Objects, Learn Computer, Learn Computer Coding, Hacker News

Best ngrok alternative is here for mobile AndroidLink updatedhttps://github.com/rajbhx/cloudflared-termuxUsagescloudflared -url [localhost]:port_number]example: cloudflared -url localhost:80cloudflared tunnel localhost:[port_number]InstallationMake sure your Termux app updated pkg update && pkg upgrade && pkg install gitgit clone https://github.com/rajbhx/cloudflared-termuxcd cloudflared-termuxchmod +x Cloudflared-termux_@rajbhx.shbash Cloudflared-termux_@rajbhx.sh
