Tempo run

Discover how tempo runs can help you improve your running speed and endurance. Incorporate this effective training method into your routine and take your running to the next level.
Running Endurance Training, Speed Workouts, Marathon Prep, Running Training Plan, Training For A 10k, Increase Speed, Running Music, Runners Workout, Healthy Woman

Give yourself a gift: add tempo runs to your training schedule, asap. Why? Because 'future-you' will become much faster, have more endurance, and be a happy runner! Want to sustain a faster pace during race day? Be fitter, and make running easier (and more fun)? Then tempo runs will help you do JUST that. Think of it this way: You put in hard work running, right? Then you want to see improvements! You want those average pace stats to get better! You want a PR! Am I right? So stop running…

Elana Tropez