Tabulating machine

Discover the latest tabulating machine solutions that can streamline your data processing tasks. Enhance productivity and accuracy with advanced tabulating technology.
Making Sense of the Census: Hollerith’s Punched Card Solution - CHM Revolution Tabulating Machine, Computer History Museum, Office Automation, Computer History, Data Processing, Punch Cards, Card Illustration, History Museum, Computer

Making Sense of the Census: Hollerith's Punched Card SolutionNothing stimulates creativity like a good crisis. The U.S. Constitution requires a census every decade. That was manageable in 1790 with fewer than four million Americans to tally. Not so simple a century later, with 63 million. Estimates warned that the 1890 census wouldn’t be finished before the 1900 census began! The government’s answer? A contest to devise a solution. Herman Hollerith won. He suggested recording data on punched…

Tian Gan
Punching in Learn To Count, Spelling Lessons, Engineering Courses, Worst Names, Union Army, Water Powers, Information Processing, Number Words, Ancient People

As a schoolboy growing up in New York City in the 1870s, Herman Hollerith often managed to sneak out of the schoolroom just before spelling lessons. His teacher noticed and one day locked the door; Hollerith responded by jumping out of the second-floor window. Difficult, easily bored, but clearly brilliant, Hollerith gained admission to the…

Jack Vaughan