Old pictures

Preserve and cherish your precious memories with creative ideas for old pictures. Explore ways to bring new life to your old photographs and keep your memories alive for generations to come.
I Restore ‘Unrestorable’ Photos, And Here’s The Result (10 Pics) | Bored Panda Old Damaged Photo, Aged Photography, Old Photos Vintage, Old Vintage Photos, Photographer Self Portrait, Old Photo Restoration, Age Photography, Best Photo Books, Photo Fix

I occasionally take on requests to restore damaged family photos in Photoshop. Some of these photos have suffered heavy damage, and I enjoy that particular challenge. Most are precious in one way or another to the client, and many times it’s the only photo someone has of a beloved or lost relative.

47 Beautiful Old Pictures Documented Street Scenes of Hong Kong in the 1960s 1960s Hong Kong, Old Hong Kong Aesthetic, History Of Hong Kong, Historic Pictures, British Hong Kong, China Hong Kong, Vintage Everyday, Historical Pictures, Street Scenes

These are what everyday life in Hong Kong looked like in the 1960s. Kowloon airview in the 1960s Kowloon–Canton Railway on Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, 1963 Kwun Tong view in 1969 Ladder Street, 1961 Ladder Street, 1967 Man Mo temple in 1969 Maryknoll Convent School in the early 1960s Miramar Hotel outside, 1962 Nathan Road at night, 1963 Nathan Road at night, 1963 Nathan Road in 1963 Nathan Road in 1963 Nathan Road, Yau Ma Tei, 1966 Over Chakwoling, 1963 Peak tram station, 1961 Peak tram…

40 Pictures From The Past That Show Just How Much The World Has Changed Humour, Weird Vintage, Creepy Vintage, Creepy Images, Bad Kids, Photographie Inspo, Strange Photos, Foto Vintage, White Picture

Everything is so terrible now, and you never get to ... 1. See a young child and a dog settle their differences in the ring once and for all. 2. See a dapper gentleman ride a tiny horse. 3. See true patriots like this little girl. 4. See weird knights who have to go to the bathroom. 5. See badass ladies hanging out like this. 6. See a kitten being 'held by the enemy'. 7. See children enjoying a smoke with roosters. 8. See three dudes slightly caress a chicken. 9. See a baby who is best…

Vintage Everyday