Jokes and riddles

Get ready to laugh out loud with these hilarious jokes and riddles. Whether you need a pick-me-up or want to entertain your friends, these jokes are sure to bring a smile to your face.
A man walks in to a bar with a box under his arm and says to the barman... | Jokes Of The Day Minions, Humour, Kueez Celebrity, Kueez Amazing, Pranks To Pull, Bar Jokes, Kueez Pins, Daily Jokes, Clean Funny Jokes

... “If I can show something you have never seen before will you give me a free drink?” Now the barman has seen mostly everything in his time and says, “Sure, impress me and hell, I’ll give you a free tab for the eve!” So the man puts down the box and opens it and then he pulls a small...

James Michael Hill, Jr.
Funny Relationship Jokes, Clean Funny Jokes, Funny Work Jokes, Short Jokes, Funny Long Jokes, Humor Mexicano, Trending Topic, Relationship Jokes, Long Jokes

The lizard looks up and says “Hey, what are you doing?” The monkey says “Smoking a joint. Come up and join me.” So the lizard climbs up and sits next to the monkey, and they have another joint. After a while, the lizard says his mouth is ‘dry’, and that he’s going to get a drink from the...

Adrian Horn