Funny bird pictures

Get ready to laugh out loud with these funny bird pictures. Discover the funniest moments captured on camera and share them with your friends for a good laugh.
Little Parrot Is Going to Crack You Up With Her Song! I Can’t Believe She Sang That! Pure Gold! Humour, African Grey Parrot Funny, Funny Birds Videos, Parrot Funny, Talking Birds, Caique Parrot, Dachshund Accessories, Best Pet Birds, Funny Bird Pictures

Parrots are not only beautiful to look at, but these birds are really intelligent as well. If you own a parrot as a pet, you probably never have a dull moment in your household. They always manage to keep you entertained and they never fail to make you laugh. Just take a look at this

sandra boylr
Green Parrot Bird, Bull Mastiff Puppies, Funny Bird Pictures, Birds Parrots, Talking Parrots, Funny Parrots, Bird Gif, Animals Friendship, Animal Antics

Parrots are remarkably social creatures. Much like their human counterparts, they enjoy companionship and good conversation. In fact, parrot owners know you never get just one because they get lonely by themselves. In the video below, a couple of beautiful, talkative parrots are engaged in an amusing and very human-like conversation with each other over

Kim Iburg Rosenbohm
Pigeon Nest, Baby Pigeon, Pigeon Funny, Cute Pigeon, Pigeon Bird, Bird Quotes, Funny Birds, Bird Drawings, Have A Laugh

Used for laying eggs and sheltering the little ones, bird nests vary in shape, size, and type. While some feathered creatures opt for a simple scrape nest by creating a shallow depression in the ground, for instance, others weave intricate ones out of twigs and other materials.

Linda Ortwein
Talking Birds Videos, Funny Birds Videos, Bird Video, Funny Bird Pictures, Thunder Bird, Music Bird, Bird Videos, Weird Birds, Butterfly Video

Parrots are not only beautiful to look at, but they are also pretty intelligent. This amazing species can imitate sounds and speech very easily. Some people might think that keeping parrots as pets is a big hassle, but if they are trained properly, they can be some of the most amazing companions. Take a look

Debra Johnson
Talking Birds Videos, Funny Birds Videos, Parrot Cockatiel, Parrot Talking, Talking Birds, Silly Birds, Birds Video, Dog Farts, Best Pet Birds

Aside from a case of nuts and seeds, what better birthday present could a parrot receive but a stuffed bunny rabbit! This parrot, an Indian ringneck named Marnie, actually has quite a few stuffed bunnies and he was thrilled to be able to add another one to his collection. Parrots are beautiful and colorful birds

Karen Kelley