Folding tee shirts videos

Learn the best techniques for folding t-shirts with these helpful videos. Streamline your laundry routine and keep your closet organized with these simple methods.
Folding Tee Shirts, Shirt Folding Trick, T Shirt Storage, Shirt Storage, Shirt Organization, T Shirt Folding, Packing Hacks Clothes, Tshirt Organization, Shirt Hacks

Last weekend, we took a giant reprieve from all of the holiday hustle and bustle and just chilled for a bit on Saturday afternoon. This, probably not the wisest of choices, led me to the usual all out panic that ensues the week before Christmas as I realized I had so much left to do before the big day. So instead of planning, shopping, and wrapping I decided it seemed like the perfect time to organize my husbands t-shirt drawer; because…priorities. Don’t think for a second though that this…

Jennifer Cherry