Edward viii

Explore the captivating life of Edward VIII, from his scandalous love affair to his controversial abdication. Discover the untold stories of one of Britain's most intriguing monarchs.
British; East Lancashire Regiment, Second Lieutenant F O Anderson, c.1914. Survived the war rising to Temp. Captain. Spent time in S.E.Asia as a planter(most likely rubber), married in 1934. Died 1971. Gotha, Wallis Simpson, Edward Viii, Young Prince, British Monarchy, George Vi, Prince Edward, British Royalty, King George

East Lancashire Regiment Faces of the First World War The full story is not always known to us. If you know more, please tell us in the comments below. Find out more about this First World War Centenary project at www.1914.org/faces. Help piece together the Life Stories of more than 8 million men and women who made a contribution during the First World War in Lives of the First World War.

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