Digimon fusion

Dive into the action-packed world of Digimon Fusion and join the epic battle between humans and Digimon. Discover the thrilling adventures of Mikey and his team as they unite to save both worlds from evil forces.
Baalmon X is a Wizard Digimon and carrier of the X-Antibody. The X-Antibody releases some of the power sealed inside Baalmon by its amulets. The Red Book of Appin reveals its will. Should one seeking knowledge give a wrong answer to the question, they will receive judgment from its owner. Attacks Kamiuchi (カミウチ, Kamiuchi? lit. "God Beating"): Releases a mighty, lightning-fast smite from the "Dǎshénbiān" (打神鞭? lit. "Spiritual Whip"), which is especially effective against Holy-species Digimon. ... Amulets, The Red Book, Digimon Fusion, Seeking Knowledge, Digimon Digital Monsters, Red Books, Egyptian Gods, 20th Anniversary, Digimon

Baalmon X is a Wizard Digimon and carrier of the X-Antibody. The X-Antibody releases some of the power sealed inside Baalmon by its amulets. The Red Book of Appin reveals its will. Should one seeking knowledge give a wrong answer to the question, they will receive judgment from its owner. It holds the "Deus Fractus" (Lat: "God Broken")[1] in its hands.[2] Attacks Kamiuchi (カミウチ, Kamiuchi? lit. "God Beating"): Releases a mighty, lightning-fast smite from the Deus Fractus, which is especially…

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