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International Affairs

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    Senate Test Ban Vote Little Noticed, Less Understood

    Introduction and Summary The U.S. Senate’s rejection of the underground nuclear test ban treaty has gone unnoticed by half of the public, and only one-in-ten Americans say they have heard a lot about why some in the Senate backed the treaty, while others opposed it. Just about half of respondents (49%) polled in a Pew […]

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    Americans Divided on China Policy

    Introduction and Summary The public is deeply divided about the future of U.S.-China relations. Although a solid 60% majority say relations between the United States and China are stable — neither improving nor getting worse — there is little agreement over the question of whether our current handling of China is tough enough and no […]

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    Americans Support Action on Global Warming

    Introduction and Summary Most Americans are willing to join other countries in setting standards to improve the global environment and a majority would even pay more for gasoline to reduce global warming. But on the eve of the December Kyoto conference on climate change, the American public strongly rejects the notion that the United States […]

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    America’s Place in the World II

    Introduction and Summary The post-Cold War era may be less than a decade old, but Americans whose views help shape U.S. foreign policy have grown remarkably comfortable with it. Compared to four years ago when they were deeply troubled, American Opinion Leaders today see the world as a better place, where U.S. influence is enhanced […]

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    Public and Opinion Leaders Favor NATO Enlargement

    Introduction and Summary Majorities of the American public as well as the nation’s Opinion Leaders approve the expansion of NATO into Central Europe, according to surveys by the Pew Research Center for The People & The Press released today (Tuesday 4 p.m.) as the Senate begins hearings on Alliance enlargement. These results come from a […]

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    Public Indifferent about NATO Expansion

    Survey Findings The American public continues to support the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) but is uninterested and equivocal about the question of expanding the alliance to include some former Soviet satellites in East Europe. A Pew Research Center poll found a 61% majority favoring maintaining NATO despite the end of the Cold War. However, […]

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    Public Apathetic about Nuclear Terrorism

    Summary Most Americans acknowledge the fact that terrorists could strike a U.S. city with a nuclear, chemical or biological weapon, yet few worry about the possibility, according to the findings of a recent nationwide Pew Research Center survey. The poll confirms the lack of public engagement on this issue experienced by Senator Richard Lugar, who […]

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    Public Opinion of the UN:

    Report Summary Despite signs of growing isolationism in the United States, Americans as a whole continue to express strong support for the United Nations. To a public increasingly pre-occupied with domestic concerns, the United Nations is seen as a means of carrying the burdens and sharing the costs of global leadership. The world organization is […]

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    America Divides Over Asia

    Report Summary As with NAFTA, American opinion leaders and the American public have conflicting views about Asia. A plurality of opinion leaders believe Asia is now more important to the United States than Europe, a recent survey found, while the public (by a 50% to 31% margin) continues to see Europe as most important. The […]

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    America’s Place in the World

    Report Summary We undertook this latest survey of the Times Mirror Center for The People & The Press, America’s Place in the New World, in an effort to discover where the nation’s top non-governmental leaders believe America is today, domestically and in foreign affairs, and where it should go in the post Cold War world. […]


Signature Reports

India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrives at the G20 leaders' summit in Nusa Dua, Indonesia, in November 2022. (Mast Irham/AFP via Getty Images)

Views of India Lean Positive Across 23 Countries

Across 12 countries, a median of 40% of adults say they have no confidence in Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to do the right thing regarding world affairs, while a median of 37% say they have at least some confidence. About eight-in-ten Indians (79%) have a favorable view of Modi, including a 55% majority with a very favorable view.


International Views of Biden and U.S. Largely Positive

Overwhelmingly, people believe the U.S. interferes in the affairs of other countries (82%), but most also believe the U.S. contributes to peace and stability around the world (61%). U.S. President Joe Biden receives mostly positive reviews from publics around the world with 54% expressing confidence in Biden, while 39% say they lack confidence in him.