OA Books Toolkit

For authors

This toolkit aims to help book authors to better understand open access book publishing and to increase trust in open access books. You will be able to find relevant articles on open access book publishing following the research lifecycle, by browsing frequently asked questions or by searching with keywords.

The OAPEN Open Access Books Toolkit covers specific topics related to open access books. Each article offers a quick and brief introduction to a particular aspect of open access book publishing. The toolkit also serves as a signposting tool: articles include a list of sources referenced, further reading and links to definitions of key terms.

toolkit lifecycle

Research life cycle

The toolkit makes use of a typical research lifecycle, consisting of the following eight stages. Click on each stage to find related articles.


Common myths about open access

This section aims to dispel some of the myths around open access publishing and includes sub-sections on print, peer review, quality and prestige, book processing charges, third party copyright and plagiarism.


OAPEN OA Books Toolkit Survey

Over three years after the launch of the OAPEN OA Books Toolkit, we’re planning a round of redesign and enrichment with new, research-based content this year. To do this, we’re reaching out to you, as users of the toolkit. Please help us to redesign by sharing your user experience. The survey will take less than 5 minutes to complete and the deadline for responses is Thursday 29 February. We look forward to your feedback!


Why publish an open access book?

Publishing open access means your book or chapter can be read, reviewed, shared, and cited without depending on readers buying it or libraries stocking it. Open access therefore greatly increases the opportunities for your work to be read widely and to have an impact on the world.

Blog Post

Re-classifying knowledge: moving from BIC to Thema

As you may have seen in our newsletters, we at OAPEN & DOAB are moving from the BIC classification to the new Thema classification. A little background Why are we doing this? The subjects of the books and chapters in the OAPEN Library and the Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) are described in...

Blog Post

Barricading an open access website – reflections on the attack on DOAB

As many of you might have noticed, last week the Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) website was unavailable for several days. Sadly, the reason for this was not a technical glitch as we first suspected, but an actual attack on DOAB. During the weekend of 21 January, someone decided to flood the Domain...

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