2020 Has Altered the World

Dreams Have Changed, but the Need Has Grown

2020 has changed the world. For many it has closed doors, altered what was possible, forced hard decisions and, most notably, changed dreams. In the middle of it all, NPower is a proven source of hope, optimism, and passion. When we rewire our dreams, we open ourselves to reach further and deeper.

As we end a year like no other, we will amplify the voices of students in our program who have changed plans, shifted goals, and rewired their dreams. Their resilience and determination to change their lives during a global pandemic and sweeping racial unrest demonstrate the courage we need today.

NPower is always completely free to the students we serve. Beyond training, we provide critical wraparound social and professional support to build a solid foundation for burgeoning careers. We understand the barriers: inconsistent child care, food insecurity, homelessness, diminished economic mobility, access to health care; and we are ever committed to helping those who need us the most. 

Our work is only possible with donations from individuals, foundations, and companies. With your support we can continue to improve the lives of people and families in the communities where we live and work.

Please consider a donation to NPower to sustain our life-changing work.

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“I fell down and had to get up and set a new game plan.”

It is what we do after a fall that defines our future. Jose Zamora was a veteran Marine coming off of a devastating year when he started 2020 with a fresh perspective. After learning about NPower from a fellow veteran, he has refused to let the layered challenges of this year stop his dream of becoming a tech professional. Jose is currently a student in NPower California’s Fall 2020 Tech Fundamentals class and will graduate in January, ready to start his tech career. With the support of NPower and a renewed focus to succeed, Jose is about to turn his life around.

“There are so many things with tech that can change the world.”

For Love Issac, every day is a balance of databases, diapers, and dreams. As a new mother with no job, she was grappling with limited options during the pandemic when she took a chance with NPower.

In a matter of weeks, her skills, confidence, and job prospects have grown and she is on her way to becoming a certified, technology professional. In a year like no other, Love found opportunity within the challenging circumstances and rewired her dreams.

“I want to be better every single day and make something of my situation.”

Cornell Sims was working at a big-box retailer during the pandemic when he discovered his passion for technology. He knew where he wanted to go, but didn’t know the first step. With student loans coming due from an unfinished degree, it was time to make a move. That’s when he found NPower Michigan.

With NPower, Cornell is gaining in-demand tech skills and finding his confidence. He is taking control of his career and has already secured an entry-level IT position with Datanational. From retail warehouse worker to tech professional in just a few months. Cornell is now starting his tech career while finishing the NPower program.

Cornell found the opportunity to excel in 2020 and is poised for a life-changing 2021.

“Go for what you want to do in life. Nothing comes easy, everything comes with hard work.”

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Voices of Our Students

In a year like no other, we are proud to share the voices and stories of current NPower students who have found their path forward and are on the cusp of greatness.

2020 presented a unique set of challenges and barriers beyond what our students commonly face. Even in the midst of a global pandemic and racial injustice unrest, the fall cohort is full of bright hope and committed passion.

“A new life and a sense of confidence where I didn’t feel like the world was coming down on me.”

Anthony Franklin was just starting his IT career when COVID-19 hit and he lost his job. With job opportunities shrinking and bills growing, he knew he needed help to get back on track. With NPower Maryland, he has found his confidence and is moving in the right direction. 

2020 has thrown too many curveballs to count, but NPower students like Anthony have learned to adjust, pivot, and rewire what is possible. Their ability to find opportunities and solutions in challenging situations will bring a valuable perspective to the tech industry. The future of tech is resilient, diverse, and energized.