
3.1.5 • Public • Published

An express-session based session handler for express web applications.

It is based on the redis session store.

How to use it

import session from '@foundriesio/web-session';

import log from 'log' // Provide a log function.
import redisClient from 'redis-client' // Provide a redis client.

return session(redisClient, log);


Via a JSON file with the following structure:

  "cookie": {
    "domain": "The cookie domain name, defaults to localhost",
    "secure": "If the cookie should be secure (like HTTPS only), defaults to false",
    "maxAge": "The cookie max age, defaults to 3 days"
  "session": {
    "secret": "The server side session secret, defaults to 'taco cat'",
    "prefix": "The previs for the session key, defaults to 'sid:'",
    "name": "The name of the session key, defaults to 'sid'"

The JSON file can be defined using the FIO_CONFIG_FILE environment variable:

export FIO_CONFIG_FILE="/path/to/config.json"

Or using the following environment variable:

  • FIO_COOKIE_DOMAIN: The cookie domain name, defaults to localhost (string).
  • FIO_COOKIE_SECURE: If the cookie should be secure (HTTPS-only), defaults to false (boolean).
  • FIO_COOKIE_MAXAGE: The cookie max age, defaults to 3 days (string or number, string can also be specified as 3 days).
  • FIO_SESSION_SECRET: The server side session secret, defaults to taco cat (string).
  • FIO_SESSION_NAME: The name of the session key, defaults to sid (string).
  • FIO_SESSION_PREFIX: The prefix for the session key, defaults to sid: (string).

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  • stealthycoder
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