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XDR Security

Cloud-native Extended Detection and Response platform suite

Nokia XDR Security is a cloud-native Extended Detection and Response (XDR) platform suite, built as a use-case driven solution for flexibility and ease of integration.

Nokia XDR Security is solving the need for real-time threat detection and response and according to Nokia customer field-trial data, it has demonstrated 70% increased effectiveness at rapidly blocking threats in Security Operations Centers, or preventing them before they materialize.

The platform modules come with new analytics, machine learning, and automation functions to earlier detect incidents and react faster to neutralize threats. XDR Security empowers security operations teams to visualize data within a single dashboard collected by disparate security solutions across all platforms, and also supports subscription-based security services, such as 5G slice monitoring, endpoint protection for enterprise IoT devices, and identity and access management. In November 2021, NetGuard XDR Security was announced the winner of the Glotel Awards 2021 for “Security Solution of the Year”.

NetGuard Cybersecurity Dome is built on XDR architecture

Find out more about the solution and its newly integrated telco-centric GenAI assistant

What is XDR?


Detection and Integration with real-time threat intelligence and network-based sensors allow threats to be detected, identified, investigated and stopped before they become costly breaches. Cognitive threat detection analyzes all network sessions for malware traffic or anomalous behavior from IIoT devices, such as command-and-control traffic, exploit attempts or DDoS activity.

Analytics and Intelligence include the capabilities that SOAR solutions contain for event correlation, IOC triaging, and threat intelligence processing to identify vulnerable systems and provide patch management.

Automation and Orchestration features provide the speed, connectivity, and workflows that are often needed as malware is detected, contained, and remediated. They are the glue and connectivity of connecting disparate systems into one integrated system. It is incorporating threat intelligence to blacklist malicious content. They power the automated playbooks that are used to respond to the cyber attacks.

How Nokia’s XDR Security adds value

XDR technology: Nokia’s XDR Security adds value on top of a security vendor’s individual solutions and provides native integration across those systems to:

  • Enable a single pane-of-glass management console for SecOps teams, providing correlated views across the 5G network including endpoint, cloud.
  • Identify, investigate and manage security incidents.
  • Coordinate emergency response capabilities for immediate containment, remediation, and repair.

How XDR Security integrates with tools, intelligence and operations

Telco security tools

By streamlining the number of tools in their kit, CSPs can confidently expand without compromising network integrity. With XDR Security, CSPs can integrate their many security tools into a single platform are better able to keep their networks secure, even as they add new services and customers to the mix.


A complete picture of the threat landscape helps assure network integrity and reduce the burden on CSP security teams. With XDR Security, CSPs can bring together all of their internal and external threat intelligence into a single system, security teams will be more easily able to distinguish between false positives, anomalies and legitimate threats — so they can then prioritize and act on the real risks.

5G Security Operations

The more a CSP can see at once, the easier it is to stop 5G security threats before they affect customers. XDR Security makes it possible to constantly monitor and quickly react to anomalous traffic patterns and attacks no matter where they’re coming from — while also easily managing complex operations such as network slice provisioning.

Alert prioritization and classification

Being able to tell anomaly from attack helps CSPs focus on the alerts that really matter. Detection time can shrink by 80%.

Faster mean response times

By reducing threat dwell time by 50%, and accelerating recovery time by 75% CSPs can better protect their operations and their revenues.

Total visibility across the network

Uniting endpoint, network and cloud gives CSPs a single security view across their operations.

Want to understand the top trends shaping the future of telecom security in CSPs?

XDR allows alert prioritization and classification

NOKIA XDR Security alert prioritization and classification capabilities help security analysts quickly and easily distinguish between false positives and legitimate attacks. They automatically identify and classify alerts by type and severity (e.g., configuration changes, open ports), eliminating the need to investigate redundant or lower-priority notifications. Instead, security teams can focus their efforts on blocking or countering legitimate attacks.

This also helps CSPs deliver against slice-specific service-level agreements (SLAs), which will be critical to unlocking enterprise use cases requiring individual security with multi-tenant capabilities, such as smart cities and utilities.

XDR means faster response times

With Nokia XDR Security, CSPs can respond to threats quickly, minimizing costs and disruptions when attacks or breaches occur. End-to-end visibility from endpoint through the cloud lets security teams quickly pinpoint the exact source of a potential breach to minimize threat dwell time, while automated security playbooks relieve the burden on security teams by continuously augmenting response actions for any kind of threat — distributed denial of service attacks, insider attacks and more.

Total visibility across the network

Nokia XDR Security capabilities help manage and administer disparate point products in a coherent and consistent way, integrating tools for audit compliance, privileged access, threat intelligence, network-based malware detection and certificate management in a single security management platform. There’s also a library of interfaces ad connectors for seamless use with a range of CSP infrastructure components and multi-vendor security tools. The result: an end-to-end security infrastructure that’s easy to manage.

Threat Intelligence Report 2023

Cybersecurity Demo Zone

5G cybersecurity orchestration

NetGuard Cybersecurity Dome is a cloud-based SaaS solution that allows security orchestration teams to select pre-built use cases that detect specific telco network threats and provide predefined actions for remediation management.

  • Enable a single pane-of-glass management console for SecOps teams, providing correlated views across the 5G network including endpoint, cloud and transportation.
  • Identify, investigate and manage security incidents.
  • Enable a single pane-of-glass management console for SecOps teams, providing correlated views across the 5G network including endpoint, cloud and transportation.

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Cybersecurity Dome demo

Privileged Access Management

NetGuard Identity Access Manager is a Privileged Access Management (PAM) / Privileged Identity Management (PIM) application that secures physical or virtual network functions and resources.

  • Manage network function security and role-based user privileges
  • Simplify user access, improve user experience
  • Audit and replay user activity

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Identity Access Manager demo

Product overview

NetGuard Identity Access Manager - Request a demo

Audit Compliance Management

NetGuard Audit Compliance Manager (ACM) automates the audit and analysis of all parameters in physical and virtual networks. ACM extracts real-time parameter settings from physical and virtual network functions and performs data integrity analysis by comparing the results to industry gold standards.

  • Open, adaptable, scalable
  • Multi-vendor, Multi-technology
  • Flexible, future-ready, powerful

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Audit compliance Manager demo

Product overview

NetGuard Audit Compliance Manager

NetGuard Audit Compliance Manager

Automated Certificate Lifecycle Management

NetGuard Certificate Lifecycle Manager (NCLM) managed certificate lifecycles of digital identities. NCLM automates all processes of public keys and certificates in a centralized, secure and cost-effective way, preventing costly outages and vulnerabilities.

  • Enrol and renew a certificate on behalf of the target system
  • Deploy and install certificates to a target system
  • Enables control of certificate deployment and correctness

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Certificate Lifecycle Management demo

Product overview

NetGuard Certificate Lifecycle Manager

NetGuard Security Operations TOP references

Partner logos: Airtel, Telia, Starhub,AT&T,Claro,Zain

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