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John Hersey

Double Take

A Rare Discovery on the Seventy-fifth Anniversary of John Hersey’s “Hiroshima”

The head librarian at John Hersey High School, in Illinois, uncovers a piece of journalism history.

John Hersey and the Art of Fact

Hersey pioneered a radically new form of journalism. But he grew convinced that his higher calling was fiction, and nobody could persuade him otherwise.
News Desk

The Sixteen Most-Read Stories from the New Yorker Archive in 2016

Culture Desk

John Hersey, the Writer Who Let “Hiroshima” Speak for Itself

News Desk

Hiroshima and the Inheritance of Trauma

Double Take

Making History


Japan in Words

Culture Desk

An Education

Amy Davidson Sorkin

Close Look: A Streetcar in Hiroshima

Double Take

Eighty-Five from the Archive: John Hersey

Life and Letters

The Guam Caper

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