Author Archive for Staff

News/Media Alliance Statement: Wrongful Conviction of Wall Street Journal Reporter in Russia

News/Media Alliance Statement: Wrongful Conviction of Wall Street Journal Reporter in Russia

The News/Media Alliance joins The Wall Street Journal and the broader journalism industry in condemning the wrongful conviction of journalist Evan Gershkovich to 16 years in a Russian prison ... Read More
Member Webinar: Copyright Registration Tutorial: Part 2 of 2

Member Webinar: Copyright Registration Tutorial: Part 2 of 2

Later this month, the Copyright Office is expected to make registration of publisher website content easier than ever by adopting its proposed Rule on Group ... Read More
Moody v. NetChoice, LLC

Moody v. NetChoice, LLC

The Court considered whether the Florida and Texas state laws regulating large internet platforms violated the First Amendment. In a 9-0 decision the judgments of ... Read More
News/Media Alliance Submits Comments to Department of Justice Calling on Strong Enforcement of Antitrust Laws in the AI Marketplace

News/Media Alliance Submits Comments to Department of Justice Calling on Strong Enforcement of Antitrust Laws in the AI Marketplace

On July 15, the News/Media Alliance submitted comments to the Department of Justice following the Department’s workshop on promoting competition in artificial intelligence (AI) ... Read More
News Take: Free Press Focus: How Do We Ensure Protections for the Press After Shocking Police Raid?

News Take: Free Press Focus: How Do We Ensure Protections for the Press After Shocking Police Raid?

In this episode of News Take: Free Press Focus, Eric Meyer, Publisher of the Marion County Record, shares the story of the day police raided ... Read More
News/Media Alliance Applauds California Senate Judiciary Committee for Passing California Journalism Preservation Act

News/Media Alliance Applauds California Senate Judiciary Committee for Passing California Journalism Preservation Act

Today the California Journalism Preservation Act (CJPA, AB 886) successfully passed out of the California Senate Judiciary Committee with a vote of 9-2 ... Read More
Alliance CEO Danielle Coffey on NPR's Cincinnati Edition: How are media companies responding to AI?

Alliance CEO Danielle Coffey on NPR’s Cincinnati Edition: How are media companies responding to AI?

Danielle Coffey, President & CEO of the News/Media Alliance, recently participated in a panel discussion on NPR Network affiliate WVXU's Cincinnati Edition with Lucy May, ... Read More
'Love, Your Mind' Campaign - Ad Council

‘Love, Your Mind’ Campaign – Ad Council

The News/Media Alliance has partnered with the Ad Council to provide print and digital PSAs for newspapers and magazines for its "Love, Your Mind" campaign, ... Read More
Free Webinar: Understanding Periodicals Mail Vol 3 Session 2: Everything Mail Entry

Free Webinar: Understanding Periodicals Mail Vol 3 Session 2: Everything Mail Entry

June 13, 2024, 3:00 p.m. ET - Register for a free webinar focusing on the ever-changing: where to enter the mail and why it matters, ... Read More
News/Media Alliance Statement: Illinois State Lawmakers Approve $25 Million in Tax Credits for Journalists

News/Media Alliance Statement: Illinois State Lawmakers Approve $25 Million in Tax Credits for Journalists

The Illinois state legislature on Wednesday approved $25 million in tax credits over the next five years (or $5 million a year) that will support ... Read More

New episode of News Take: Free Press Focus: How Do We Ensure Protections for the Press After Shocking Police Raid? - Watch now